Digital mucous cysts elde sıklıkla görülen bir tür gangliondur. Ganglion eklem veya tendonun yanında bulunan yumuşak doku tümörüdür. Digital mucous cyst özellikle distal interfalangeal eklemin (DIP eklemi) arkasından gelişir. Bu kistler sıklıkla altta yatan DIP ekleminin osteoartritiyle birlikte bulunur. Digital mucous cysts are a type of ganglion commonly found on the hand. A ganglion is a soft tissue tumor that is found next to a joint or tendon. A digital mucous cyst is a ganglion that arises from the dorsum of the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP joint). Digital mucous cysts commonly have an association with underlying DIP joint osteoarthritis.