Anetoderma 是由于真皮弹性组织异常导致的皮肤局部松弛。

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      References Anetoderma 32809440 
      Anetoderma 是一种无症状的状况,皮肤的某些区域由于弹性纤维的断裂而变得松弛。这些区域可以表现为圆形或椭圆形凹陷、皱纹斑点、斑块或囊状突起,具有正常的皮肤边界。它们可能有不同的颜色,如肤色、白色、灰色、棕色或蓝色,并且大小从非常小到较大的斑块不等。 Anetoderma 通常出现在躯干和身体主要四肢附近。一旦出现,通常会持续 15 年左右。目前尚无已知的自发改善实例。
      Anetoderma is a benign disorder of elastolysis, causing well-circumscribed, focal areas of flaccid skin. The localized areas of slack skin can present clinically as round to oval atrophic depressions, wrinkled macules, patches, or herniated sac-like protrusions with a surrounding border of normal skin. The lesions can be a variety of colors from skin-colored, white, grey, brown, or blue, and the size can range from millimeters to centimeters. Anetoderma most commonly presents on the trunk and proximal extremities. Once present, the disease tends to be active for at least 15 years. No reports of spontaneous regression have occurred.