Angiokeratoma - 血管角膜瘤
血管角膜瘤 (Angiokeratoma) 是一种良性毛细血管皮肤病变,导致红色至蓝色的小痕迹,其特征是角化过度。年轻人躯干多发性血管角化瘤可能是“法布里病”,一种与全身并发症有关的遗传性疾病。


#Skin biopsy
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  • 非典型案例 ― 多个血管角膜瘤 (Angiokeratoma);大多数 血管角膜瘤 (Angiokeratoma) 是单个病变。
  • 它的形状与黑色素瘤相似,但与黑色素瘤不同,因为它具有柔软和柔韧的特征。 血管角膜瘤 (Angiokeratoma) 的尺寸通常小于此图中所示的尺寸。 血管角膜瘤 (Angiokeratoma) 通常表现为单个病变。
References Cutaneous Angiokeratoma Treated With Surgical Excision and a 595-nm Pulsed Dye Laser 36545640 
Angiokeratomas 是血管生长,在皮肤上表现为凸起的、微红至黑色的肿块和斑块。它们可以作为单个或多个病变出现,颜色、形状和位置各不相同。本研究讨论了两例通过手术切除和 595-nm pulsed dye 激光 (PDL) 治疗的血管角化瘤病例,结果缓解了症状并改善了外观。
Angiokeratomas are vascular neoplasms with hyperkeratotic red to black papules and plaques, which may present as solitary or multiple lesions with variations in color, shape, and location. Successful treatment not only involves improvement of these symptoms but also cosmetic improvement. This report reviews 2 cases of cutaneous angiokeratoma treated with surgical excision and a 595-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) in which the patients showed improvement of symptoms and cosmetic appearance. There are various types of angiokeratomas, and their extent, size, condition, and symptoms are different. Therefore, lesion-specific combined treatments may yield better results.
 Angiokeratoma circumscriptum - Case reports 33342183
Angiokeratoma circumscriptum 是最罕见的血管角化瘤,主要见于女性。它表现为下肢上暗红色到蓝黑色的肿块或结节簇,通常呈节段性且位于身体一侧的模式。
Angiokeratoma circumscriptum is the rarest form of angiokeratoma, a condition mainly found in females. It shows up as dark-red to blue-black clusters of bumps or nodules on the lower limbs, typically in a pattern that's both segmental and on one side of the body.