Becker nevus - 贝克斑's_nevus
贝克斑 (Becker nevus) 是一种主要影响男性的良性皮肤病。痣通常在青春期左右出现。一般首先表现为躯干或上臂上不规则的色素沉着,然后逐渐不规则增大、变厚并常常变得多毛(多毛症)。


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  • 其特征是有一个大痣,并且该区域毛发生长丰富。
  • 由于持续色素沉着过度,激光治疗可能具有挑战性。
References Becker’s nevus - Case reports 35519166 
Becker nevus ,也称为贝克尔黑变病,是一种良性皮肤病。它可以从出生时出现,也可以在以后发展,导致有或没有毛发的皮肤斑块。这种情况并不常见,主要影响男性。随着时间的推移,受影响的区域通常会变黑,并且那里可能会长出多余的毛发。一名 29 岁的跨性别患者就诊,皮肤上出现了 15 岁时开始出现的小斑点。随着时间的推移,这些斑点变成了更大的斑块。检查发现,他们的右侧胸部、肩膀、背部和上臂有毛发黑斑,边缘不规则。
Becker's nevus is also known as Becker melanosis. It is a benign lesion which can be presented as congenital or acquired with hairless or hypertrichotic lesions. It's a rare case which affects mainly male individuals. It is often pigmented and gets darker by time and excessive hair growth can be seen over it. A 29-year-old transgender patient presented with hyperpigmentation with the lesion which started at the age of 15 as a small hyperpigmented macule. The lesion increased gradually to form giant patches. On examination a right-side hyperpigmentation involving the anterior chest, shoulder, scapular region, upper arm with hypertrichosis and irregular margins.
 Lasers for Becker’s Nevus 30762191 
Becker's nevus 是一种常见的皮肤病,其特征是身体一侧出现色素斑块并伴有额外的毛发生长。尽管存在其他选择,但通常使用激光进行治疗。单独或一起使用了不同类型的激光器,波长范围为 504 至 10,600 nm,疗程范围为 1 至 12。结果各不相同,但组合不同波长的激光器似乎效果更好。副作用通常是轻度至中度发红。虽然激光通常是安全的,但它们对贝克尔痣的效果中等(不是很好)。
Becker's nevus is a common pigmented dermatosis, usually featured by ipsilateral pigmented patch with hypertrichosis. Becker's nevus is often treated with various types of lasers although other regimens are available. A variety of lasers had been used alone or in combination to treat Becker's nevus. Laser wavelengths used for Becker's nevus ranged from 504 to 10,600 nm, while the number of treatment varied from 1 to 12 sessions. The clinical outcomes were mixed although combination of lasers with different wavelengths appeared to achieve a better efficacy. Adverse effects were usually mild to moderate erythema. While lasers are relatively safe, their efficacy for Becker's nevus is moderate.