Blue nevus - 蓝痣
蓝痣 (Blue nevus) 是一种彩色痣,通常是一个界限清楚的蓝色或黑色结节。痣的蓝色是由皮肤深处的色素细胞引起的。


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  • 因为痣细胞存在较深,所以呈现蓝色。
  • 非典型示例 ― 蓝痣 (Blue nevus) 通常具有对称形状。此类病例应鉴别基底细胞癌和黑色素瘤
References Blue Nevus 31747181 
Blue nevus 是指由于黑色素细胞过度生长而引起的一组皮肤增生,在头部、手臂或臀部出现蓝色到黑色的肿块。它们通常是单一的和后天获得的,但也可能从出生时就存在并出现在多个区域。这些病变经常被误认为是黑色素瘤等深色色素生长,通常在头皮、手臂、下背部或臀部呈现蓝色。
The term blue nevus describes a group of skin lesions characterized by dermal proliferation of melanocytes presenting as blue to black nodules on the head, extremities, or buttocks. In most cases, they are acquired and present as a solitary lesion but may also be congenital and appear at multiple sites. Blue nevi are melanotic dermal lesions that commonly presents as a blue nodule on the scalp, extremities, sacrococcygeal region, or buttocks. Its characteristic blue to black hue is frequently confused with other darker pigmented lesions, including malignant melanoma.