Condyloma - 濕疣
濕疣 (Condyloma) 是由某些类型的人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV) 引起的性传播感染。它们通常呈粉红色,从皮肤表面突出。通常它们不会引起任何症状,但偶尔会感到疼痛。



在美国大约有 1% 的人患有尖锐湿疣。许多人虽然被感染,但没有症状。如果不接种疫苗,几乎所有性活跃的人都会在一生中的某个时刻感染某种类型的 HPV。

治疗 - 非处方药
#Salicylic acid, brush applicator [Duofilm]
#Freeze, wart remover
☆ 德国 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的结果显示,消费者对 ModelDerm 的满意度仅略低于付费远程医疗咨询。
  • 严重情况
  • 睾丸上的小尖锐湿疣。它们一开始可能是非常小的棕色丘疹,尺寸为 1-2 毫米。
  • 严重情况
  • 严重情况
References Condyloma Acuminata 31613447 
Condylomata acuminata ,俗称肛门生殖器疣,是由人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV) 引起的,最常见的罪魁祸首是 HPV 6 型和 11 型。HPV 主要通过性接触传播,年龄、生活方式和性行为等多种因素会影响人的性行为。容易出现这些疣。治疗选择包括局部溶液和乳膏 (podophyllotoxin, imiquimod cream, sinecatechins ointment) 以及手术 (cryotherapy, trichloroacetic acid solution) 。然而,局部治疗存在复发风险,而手术切除的清除率最高,通常接近 100%。
Condylomata acuminata (singular: condyloma acuminatum) refers to anogenital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The most common strains of HPV that cause anogenital warts are 6 and 11. HPV is a double-stranded DNA virus primarily spread through sexual contact. Age, lifestyle, and sexual practices all play a role in one's susceptibility to developing condyloma acuminata. There are several topical treatment options available, including podophyllotoxin solutions and creams, imiquimod cream, and sinecatechins ointment. Cryotherapy, trichloroacetic acid solution, and several surgical modalities are also available treatments. There is a chance for condyloma acuminata to recur after topical treatments. Surgical excision is the only available treatment with clearance rates close to 100 percent.
 Genital Warts 28722914 
Genital warts ,也称为尖锐湿疣,是由某些类型的人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV) 引起的性传播感染的结果。它们是生殖器 HPV 感染的常见症状。虽然大约 90% 接触 HPV 的人不会患上尖锐湿疣,但大约 10% 的感染者会传播病毒。尖锐湿疣主要由 HPV 6 型和 11 型引起,其中包括 100 多种已知的 HPV 病毒。 HPV 通过直接皮肤接触传播,通常是在性活动期间。值得注意的是,虽然某些类型的 HPV 与宫颈癌和肛门癌有关,但它们与导致尖锐湿疣的类型不同。此外,有可能同时感染多种类型的HPV。
Genital warts (condyloma acuminatum) are the clinical manifestations of a sexually transmitted infection caused by some types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are a recognized symptom of genital HPV infections. About 90% of those exposed who contract HPV will not develop genital warts. Only about 10% who are infected will transmit the virus. HPV types 6 and 11 cause genital warts. There are over 100 different known types of HPV viruses. HPV is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual, usually during sex. While some types of HPV cause cervical and anal cancer, these are not the same viral types that cause genital warts. It is possible to be infected with different types of HPV at the same time.