Cutaneous horn - 皮角
皮角 (Cutaneous horn) 是不寻常的角质肿瘤,具有角的外观,有时呈木头或珊瑚的外观。它们通常很小并且是局部的,但在极少数情况下,它们可能会更大。它们可以是恶性的或癌前病变。

高达 20% 的病例存在恶性肿瘤,其中鳞状细胞癌是最常见的类型。当病变出现在阴茎上时,鳞状细胞癌的发生率为 37%。

#Skin biopsy
☆ 德国 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的结果显示,消费者对 ModelDerm 的满意度仅略低于付费远程医疗咨询。
  • 由于皮肤癌(例如鳞状细胞癌)经常存在,因此需要进行活检。
  • 典型尺寸和位置(耳朵)。
References Cutaneous Horn 33085427 
Cutaneous horn 基本上是一种可见的生长物,当您观察它时,它看起来像白色或黄色的动物角。现在人们普遍认为,这些角的出现是对不同皮肤问题的反应——有些是良性的,有些可能会变成癌症。 Actinic keratoses 是最常见的非癌性原因,而 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) 是最常见的癌性原因。
A cutaneous horn is usually evident upon physical examination and can be described as a white or yellow exophytic protrusion in the shape of an animal horn. Cutaneous horns are now widely accepted as a reactive cutaneous growth caused by a variety of benign, premalignant, or malignant primary processes. Actinic keratoses are the most common premalignant primary cause of cutaneous horn, while squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common malignant cause.
 Cutaneous horn: a potentially malignant entity 20043059
Cutaneous horn 是一种致密的圆锥形生长物,皮肤增厚,通常类似于动物的角。这个术语描述的是硬化皮肤细胞的异常堆积,而不是一种特定的疾病。 Cutaneous horns 可能与各种良性、癌前期或癌性皮肤病一起发展。一个关键问题是区分增厚的晒伤皮肤斑点和潜在的癌性生长(如鳞状细胞癌)。另一个罪魁祸首是角化棘皮瘤,它表现为凸起的指甲状肿瘤。治疗通常包括切除角并在显微镜下检查以检查是否有癌症。
Cutaneous horn is a dense, cone-shaped growth with thickened skin, often resembling an animal's horn. It's a term describing an unusual buildup of hardened skin cells, rather than a specific disease. Cutaneous horns can develop alongside various benign, pre-cancerous, or cancerous skin conditions. A key concern is distinguishing between a thickened sun-damaged skin spot and a potentially cancerous growth like squamous cell carcinoma. Another culprit is keratoacanthoma, which presents as a raised, nail-like tumor. Treatment typically involves removing the horn and examining it under a microscope to check for cancer.