Guttate psoriasis - 点滴状银屑病
点滴状银屑病 (Guttate psoriasis) 是一种银屑病,表现为上躯干和近端四肢的小病变(直径 0.5-1.5 厘米);它常见于年轻人。术语“滴状”用于描述皮肤损伤的水滴状外观。 点滴状银屑病 (guttate psoriasis) 通常是由细菌感染引发的,通常是上呼吸道感染。:

病变数量从 5 个到 100 多个不等。一般来说,受影响最严重的身体部位是手臂、腿部、背部和躯干。

用于牛皮癣的治疗方法也可用于 点滴状银屑病 (guttate psoriasis) 。这种情况通常会在几周到几个月内自行消失,只有大约三分之一的患者会发展为慢性牛皮癣。

治疗 - 非处方药
#OTC steroid ointment

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  • 躯干背部有损伤。普通感冒症状后,躯干上会出现大量小鳞片状斑块或斑块。因为暴露在阳光下会好转,所以主要发生在树干上
    References Guttate Psoriasis 29494104 
    Guttate psoriasis 是一种独特的牛皮癣形式,通常由链球菌感染(如咽喉或肛周感染)引发。它在儿童和青少年中比在成人中更常见。患有这种疾病的人会出现多个小的泪滴状病变,通常可以通过外用乳膏和光疗来改善。
    Guttate psoriasis is a distinct variant of psoriasis that is classically triggered by streptococcal infection (pharyngitis or perianal) and is more common in children and adolescents than adults. Patients present with several, small “drop-like” lesions that respond well to topical and phototherapies.
     Childhood guttate psoriasis: an updated review 37908643 
    Guttate psoriasis 是一种常见病症,影响 0. 5–2% 的儿童。它通常突然出现,有许多小的、分散的、泪状的、鳞状的、红色的、发痒的肿块和斑块,主要出现在躯干和四肢上。有时,它与最近的链球菌感染有关。虽然它可以在 3-4 个月内自行消失,不会留下疤痕,但在 40-50% 的病例中,它也可能会反复出现或持续存在,并转变为慢性斑块状银屑病。由于它可能会自行消失,因此除非出现外观或瘙痒,否则并不总是需要治疗。
    Guttate psoriasis is common and affects 0.5–2% of individuals in the paediatric age group. Guttate psoriasis typically presents with an abrupt onset of numerous, small, scattered, tear-drop-shaped, scaly, erythematous, pruritic papules and plaques. Sites of predilection include the trunk and proximal extremities. There may be a history of preceding streptococcal infection. Koebner phenomenon is characteristic. Guttate psoriasis may spontaneously remit within 3–4 months with no residual scarring, may intermittently recur and, in 40–50% of cases, may persist and progress to chronic plaque psoriasis. Given the possibility for spontaneous remission within several months, active treatment may not be necessary except for cosmetic purposes or because of pruritus. On the other hand, given the high rates of persistence of guttate psoriasis and progression to chronic plaque psoriasis, some authors suggest active treatment of this condition.