Herpes simplex - 单纯疱疹https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herpes_simplex
单纯疱疹 (Herpes simplex) 是一种病毒感染(疱疹病毒)。感染根据感染的身体部位进行分类。口腔疱疹是一种常见疾病,累及面部或口腔。它可能会导致成群的小水疱,通常被称为唇疱疹或发烧水疱。生殖器疱疹,通常简称为疱疹,可能有轻微症状或形成水疱,破裂后会导致小溃疡。这些通常会在两到四个星期内痊愈。在水泡出现之前可能会出现刺痛感。第一次发作通常更为严重,可能伴有发烧、肌肉疼痛、淋巴结肿大和头痛。由疱疹病毒引起的其他疾病包括:涉及手指的疱疹瘿疮、眼睛的疱疹以及影响新生儿的新生儿疱疹。

单纯疱疹 (herpes simplex) 病毒有两种类型:1 型 (HSV-1) 和 2 型 (HSV-2)。 HSV-1 更常见地引起口腔周围感染,而 HSV-2 更常见地引起生殖器感染。它们通过与感染者的直接接触传播。生殖器疱疹被归类为性传播感染。它可能会在分娩过程中传播给婴儿。感染后,病毒沿着感觉神经运输到神经细胞体,并终生驻留在那里。复发的原因可能包括:免疫功能下降、压力和阳光照射。


全球成人中 HSV-1 或 HSV-2 的感染率在 60% 至 95% 之间。 HSV-1 通常在儿童时期感染。截至 2003 年,估计全世界有 5.36 亿人(占人口的 16%)感染 HSV-2,其中女性和发展中国家的感染率更高。大多数 HSV-2 感染者并没有意识到自己已被感染。

治疗 - 非处方药
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  • 嘴唇上的单纯疱疹。
  • 单纯疱疹 (Herpes simplex) ― 手指单纯疱疹感染在幼儿中比成人更常见。
  • 如果症状严重,服用抗病毒药物最有助于缓解症状。
  • 如果发生在嘴周围,应区分angular cheilitis。然而,在这张照片中,它更有可能是疱疹,因为嘴周围有几个小水泡。
  • Herpes gingiva ― 疱疹感染不仅可以发生在口腔周围,还可以发生在口内、鼻周和眼周区域。
  • 女性生殖器疱疹。
  • 臀部疱疹的特点是疲劳时复发。
  • 如果感染广泛,可能需要强化治疗,如带状疱疹。
References Herpes Simplex Type 1 29489260 
HSV-1感染通过上皮细胞的初次感染、随后的潜伏期(主要在神经元中)和重新激活来进行。 HSV-1 通常会引起初次和复发性水疱疹,主要出现在口腔和生殖器粘膜上。其表现范围从口唇疱疹到各种病症,如疱疹性毛囊炎、皮肤感染、眼部受累,以及严重的病例如疱疹性脑炎。抗病毒治疗有助于控制 HSV 感染。
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a member of the Alphaherpesviridae subfamily. Its structure is composed of linear dsDNA, an icosahedral capsid that is 100 to 110 nm in diameter, with a spikey envelope. In general, the pathogenesis of HSV-1 infection follows a cycle of primary infection of epithelial cells, latency primarily in neurons, and reactivation. HSV-1 is responsible for establishing primary and recurrent vesicular eruptions, primarily in the orolabial and genital mucosa. HSV-1 infection has a wide variety of presentations, including orolabial herpes, herpetic sycosis (HSV folliculitis), herpes gladiatorum, herpetic whitlow, ocular HSV infection, herpes encephalitis, Kaposi varicelliform eruption (eczema herpeticum), and severe or chronic HSV infection. Antiviral therapy limits the course of HSV infection.
 Herpes Simplex Type 2 32119314 
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) 是一种广泛感染,影响约 22% 的 12 岁及以上成年人,在美国总共有 4500 万成年人。虽然 HSV-1 通常会导致口腔溃疡,但它也可能导致生殖器病变。然而,当患者出现生殖器病变时,HSV-2 通常是主要问题。 HSV-2 爆发的症状通常很模糊,例如生殖器瘙痒和刺激,这可能会延误诊断和治疗。这种延迟可能会导致进一步传播给未感染者。
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) continues to be a common infection, affecting approximately 22% of adults ages 12 and older, representing 45 million adults in the United States alone. While HSV-1 often affects the perioral region and can be known to cause genital lesions, HSV-2 is more commonly the consideration when patients present with genital lesions. Despite this, most outbreaks of the infection will present with nonspecific symptoms such as genital itching, irritation, and excoriations, which may cause diagnosis and treatment to be delayed. As a result, further exposure to uninfected individuals may occur.
 Prevention and Treatment of Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infection 32044154 
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) 通常会引起青少年和成人的生殖器疱疹和唇疱疹等感染。当 HSV 在出生后 4-6 周内感染婴儿时,可能会导致严重疾病并造成严重后果。快速诊断新生儿 HSV 感染对于阻止疾病恶化、预防神经系统问题(甚至死亡)至关重要。
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), a member of the Herpesviridae family, is a well-known cause of infections including genital herpes and herpes labialis in the adolescent and adult population. Transmission of HSV infection to an infant during the first 4-6 weeks of life can lead to devastating disease with the potential for poor outcomes. Early diagnosis is imperative when evaluating neonatal HSV infection in order to prevent further disease progression, neurological complications, and even death.
 Herpes simplex virus infection in pregnancy 22566740 
Herpes simplex 感染很常见,可以从孕妇传染给婴儿。这种病毒会导致新生儿严重的健康问题甚至死亡。虽然这种情况在怀孕期间很少见,但在分娩期间经常发生。如果母亲在怀孕后期感染,风险最高。然而,在某些情况下,可以通过使用抗病毒药物或选择剖腹产来降低这种风险。
Infection with herpes simplex is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Because the infection is common in women of reproductive age it can be contracted and transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy and the newborn. Herpes simplex virus is an important cause of neonatal infection, which can lead to death or long-term disabilities. Rarely in the uterus, it occurs frequently during the transmission delivery. The greatest risk of transmission to the fetus and the newborn occurs in case of an initial maternal infection contracted in the second half of pregnancy. The risk of transmission of maternal-fetal-neonatal herpes simplex can be decreased by performing a treatment with antiviral drugs or resorting to a caesarean section in some specific cases.
 Clinical management of herpes simplex virus infections: past, present, and future 30443341 
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1 型和 2 型感染全世界许多人。通常,病毒感染皮肤后会在神经细胞中保持安静,但稍后可能会重新激活,导致唇疱疹。有时,它会导致严重的问题,如眼部感染、脑部炎症或新生儿和免疫系统较弱的人出现危险状况。虽然目前的药物有助于控制感染,但耐药性和副作用的风险仍然令人担忧。我们需要新药来更好地针对病毒。
Infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 is ubiquitous in the human population. Most commonly, virus replication is limited to the epithelia and establishes latency in enervating sensory neurons, reactivating periodically to produce localized recurrent lesions. However, these viruses can also cause severe disease such as recurrent keratitis leading potentially to blindness, as well as encephalitis, and systemic disease in neonates and immunocompromised patients. Although antiviral therapy has allowed continual and substantial improvement in the management of both primary and recurrent infections, resistance to currently available drugs and long-term toxicity pose a current and future threat that should be addressed through the development of new antiviral compounds directed against new targets.