Herpetic whitlow - 疱疹性甲沟炎https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herpetic_whitlow
疱疹性甲沟炎 (Herpetic whitlow) 是由单纯疱疹病毒引起的手指或拇指病变。这是一种痛苦的感染,通常会影响手指或拇指。

疱疹性甲沟炎 (herpetic whitlow) 可由 HSV-1 或 HSV-2 感染引起。 HSV-1 瘭疽通常由接触该病毒的医护人员感染;它最常由接触口腔分泌物的牙科工作人员和医务人员感染。在患有 HSV-1 口腔感染的吮拇指儿童以及接触 HSV-2 感染生殖器后的 20 至 30 岁成年人中也经常观察到这种情况。

治疗 - 非处方药
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  • 疱疹性甲沟炎 (Herpetic whitlow) ― 手指单纯疱疹感染在幼儿中比成人更常见。
  • 照片显示肿了疱疹性甲沟炎 (Herpetic whitlow)。
References Herpetic Whitlow 29494001 
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) 很普遍,通常在儿童时期通过直接身体接触传播。它通常影响口腔 (HSV-1) 或生殖器 (HSV-2) 。在极少数情况下,它会扩散到指尖,引起疼痛、肿胀、发红和水泡,称为 herpetic whitlow 。
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is common and is most often transmitted in childhood through direct physical contact. The most common infectious sites are oral mucosa (HSV-1) or genital mucosa (HSV-2). Rarely, the infection may be spread to the distal phalanx via direct inoculation and cause pain, swelling, erythema, and vesicles in an entity known as herpetic whitlow.
 Herpetic Whitlow - Case reports 29414271
一名一岁女孩的一根手指发烧、发红、肿胀四天后被送往医院。对口腔溃疡的检测证实存在 1 型单纯疱疹病毒,从而诊断为 herpetic whitlow 。
A one-year-old girl was hospitalized after experiencing four days of fever, redness, and swelling in one of her fingers. Tests on a mouth sore confirmed the presence of herpes simplex virus type 1, leading to a diagnosis of herpetic whitlow.