Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis - 特发性滴状色素减少症
特发性滴状色素减少症 (Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis) 是一种非常常见的后天性疾病,女性比男性更容易受到影响。该疾病表现为皮肤损伤,主要发生在皮肤暴露于阳光的区域,表明阳光照射可能起了一定作用。使用QS1064激光长期治疗黄褐斑后也会发现类似的病变。不需要特殊治疗。

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      References Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis 29489254 
      Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis 是一种无症状的皮肤病,通常不会引起任何症状。这在皮肤白皙的老年人中很常见,但常常被忽视。有时,这种疾病可能因其外观而令人烦恼,但它并无害处。这些浅色斑点一旦出现,就不会自行消失。
      Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (IGH) is a benign, typically asymptomatic, leukodermic dermatosis of unclear etiology that is classically seen in elderly, fair-skinned individuals, and often goes unrecognized or undiagnosed. Occasionally, IGH is aesthetically displeasing. However, it is not a dangerous process. Once present, lesions do not remit.