Keloid - 瘢痕疙瘩
瘢痕疙瘩 (Keloid) 是皮肤损伤愈合部位肉芽组织(3 型胶原蛋白)过度生长的结果。 瘢痕疙瘩 (keloid) 是坚硬的橡胶状病变或有光泽的纤维结节,颜色可以从粉红色到人皮肤的颜色或红色到深棕色不等。疤痕疙瘩不具有传染性,但有时会伴有剧烈瘙痒、针刺样疼痛和质地变化。严重时会影响皮肤的活动。 瘢痕疙瘩 (keloid) 与肥厚性疤痕不同,肥厚性疤痕是隆起的疤痕,不会超出原始伤口的边界。

疤痕疙瘩在非洲、亚洲或西班牙裔人群中更常见。 10岁至30岁之间的人比老年人更容易出现疤痕疙瘩。

虽然 瘢痕疙瘩 (keloid) 通常发生在受伤部位,但也可以自发出现。它们可能发生在穿孔部位,甚至可能发生在像粉刺或抓伤这样简单的地方。它们的发生可能是由于严重的痤疮或水痘疤痕、伤口部位感染、某个区域反复外伤、伤口闭合过程中皮肤过度紧张或伤口中有异物造成的。


可用的治疗方法包括压力疗法、硅胶片、病灶内曲安奈德、冷冻手术、放射疗法、激光疗法、干扰素、5-FU 和手术切除。

间隔 1 个月进行 5 至 10 次病灶内类固醇注射可改善肥厚性疤痕。
#Triamcinolone intralesional injection

#Dye laser (e.g. V-beam)
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  • 手腕上的术后疤痕疙瘩,采用曲安西龙病灶内注射治疗。左侧凹陷的红斑区域是治疗区域。
  • 线性瘢痕疙瘩。当它们出现在躯干的上前部时,它们通常呈线性形状。
  • 胸部之间可能出现高度炎症性瘢痕疙瘩,并可能伴有瘙痒和轻微疼痛。
  • 耳后瘢痕疙瘩
  • 内窥镜手术后可能会出现脐部疤痕疙瘩。
  • 胸部前部的瘢痕疙瘩通常呈水平线形。
  • 脚底的疤痕疙瘩行走起来会很不舒服。病灶内类固醇注射通常需要进行多次。
  • Keloid Papule;它通常发生在胸部毛囊炎之后。
  • 结节性疤痕疙瘩。肩部和上臂区域是疤痕疙瘩形成的常见部位。
  • 疤痕疙瘩常见于胸部。
  • 耳垂疤痕疙瘩
  • 下巴区域也是疤痕疙瘩的多发部位,通常出现在有痤疮的区域。
  • 疤痕疙瘩常见于上臂。
  • 胸部瘢痕疙瘩的典型表现。
  • Guttate keloid往往是由毛囊炎引起的。
References Keloid 29939676 
Keloids result from abnormal wound healing in response to skin trauma or inflammation. Keloid development rests on genetic and environmental factors. Higher incidences are seen in darker skinned individuals of African, Asian, and Hispanic descent. Overactive fibroblasts producing high amounts of collagen and growth factors are implicated in the pathogenesis of keloids. As a result, classic histologic findings demonstrate large, abnormal, hyalinized bundles of collagen referred to as keloidal collagen and numerous fibroblasts. Keloids present clinically as firm, rubbery nodules in an area of prior injury to the skin. In contrast to normal or hypertrophic scars, keloidal tissue extends beyond the initial site of trauma. Patients may complain of pain, itching, or burning. Multiple treatment modalities exist although none are uniformly successful. The most common treatments include intralesional or topical steroids, cryotherapy, surgical excision, radiotherapy, and laser therapy.
 Keloid treatments: an evidence-based systematic review of recent advances 36918908 
目前的研究表明,硅胶或硅胶片联合皮质类固醇注射是治疗疤痕疙瘩的首选初始治疗方法。也可以考虑病灶内注射 5-氟尿嘧啶 (5-FU) 、博莱霉素或维拉帕米等其他治疗方法,尽管它们的效果各不相同。激光治疗与皮质类固醇注射或闭塞下局部类固醇结合使用,可以增强药物的渗透。对于顽固性疤痕疙瘩,手术切除并立即进行放射治疗已被证明是有效的。最后,使用硅胶片和压力疗法已被证明可以降低疤痕疙瘩复发的可能性。
Current literature supports silicone gel or sheeting with corticosteroid injections as first-line therapy for keloids. Adjuvant intralesional 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), bleomycin, or verapamil can be considered, although mixed results have been reported with each. Laser therapy can be used in combination with intralesional corticosteroids or topical steroids with occlusion to improve drug penetration. Excision of keloids with immediate post-excision radiation therapy is an effective option for recalcitrant lesions. Finally, silicone sheeting and pressure therapy have evidence for reducing keloid recurrence.
 Keloids: a review of therapeutic management 32905614 
目前,还没有一种万能的治疗方法可以保证疤痕疙瘩的复发率始终保持较低水平。然而,越来越多的选择,例如将激光与类固醇一起使用或将 5-氟尿嘧啶与类固醇结合使用,被证明是有希望的。未来的研究可能集中于新疗法(例如自体脂肪移植或基于干细胞的疗法)在治疗疤痕疙瘩方面的效果。
There continues to be no gold standard of treatment that provides a consistently low recurrence rate; however the increasing number of available treatments and synergistic combinations of these treatments (i.e., laser-based devices in combination with intralesional steroids, or 5-fluorouracil in combination with steroid therapy) is showing favorable results. Future studies could target the efficacy of novel treatment modalities (i.e., autologous fat grafting or stem cell-based therapies) for keloid management.
 Scar Revision 31194458 
Scars are a natural and normal part of healing following an injury to the integumentary system. Ideally, scars should be flat, narrow, and color-matched. Several factors can contribute to poor wound healing. These include but are not limited to infection, poor blood flow, ischemia, and trauma. Proliferative, hyperpigmented, or contracted scars can cause serious problems with both function and emotional well-being.