Lichen planus - 扁平苔藓
扁平苔藓 (Lichen planus) 是一种慢性炎症和免疫介导的疾病,影响皮肤、指甲、头发和粘膜。其特征为多边形、平顶丘疹和斑块,上面覆盖有网状、细小的白色鳞屑(韦翰氏纹)。它通常影响手背、弯曲的手腕和前臂、躯干、小腿前部和口腔粘膜。原因尚不清楚,但被认为是初始触发因素未知的自身免疫过程的结果。

为了确诊皮肤扁平苔藓,可以进行皮肤活检。直接免疫荧光 (DIF) 可用于大疱性病变患者,以区分该病与自身免疫性水疱大疱性疾病。

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  • 双胫骨上的广泛病变不典型。在这种情况下,通常更怀疑其他慢性过敏性疾病(lichen simplex chronicus)。
  • 颊粘膜(脸颊)出现非糜烂性 扁平苔藓 (Lichen planus) 白色条纹。
  • 其特征是出现数个发痒的硬丘疹。这是扁平苔藓 (Lichen planus)的典型外貌。
  • Leukoplakia ― 口腔内有白色斑块。
  • Atrophic lichen planus
References Cutaneous and mucosal lichen planus: a comprehensive review of clinical subtypes, risk factors, diagnosis, and prognosis 24672362 
Lichen planus (LP) 是一种持久的炎症性疾病,主要影响中年成年人。它可以出现在皮肤或粘膜上,如口腔、阴道、食道、喉部和眼睑。根据皮疹的外观和出现位置,LP 有不同的形式。研究表明,某些类型的 LP,例如影响食道或眼睛的 LP,可能无法得到充分诊断。某些形式的 LP,例如口腔中的肥厚型和糜烂型,可能会特别造成负担并持续很长时间。其他因素,如药物或接触某些物质,也可能引发类似的皮疹。
Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that most often affects middle-aged adults. LP can involve the skin or mucous membranes including the oral, vulvovaginal, esophageal, laryngeal, and conjunctival mucosa. It has different variants based on the morphology of the lesions and the site of involvement. The literature suggests that certain presentations of the disease such as esophageal or ophthalmological involvement are underdiagnosed. The burden of the disease is higher in some variants including hypertrophic LP and erosive oral LP, which may have a more chronic pattern. LP can significantly affect the quality of life of patients as well. Drugs or contact allergens can cause lichenoid reactions as the main differential diagnosis of LP.
 Lichen Planus 10865927
Lichen planus 是一种以紫色、平顶肿块和斑块为特征的皮肤病,可引起剧烈瘙痒。这些皮肤损伤可能令人痛苦,特别是当它们严重影响口腔或生殖器时。在严重的情况下, oral lichen planus 甚至可能会增加患皮肤癌的风险。它还会影响头皮和指甲。虽然大多数病例的病因尚不清楚,但有些病例可能是由某些药物或丙型肝炎感染引发的。治疗通常包括针对局部病例使用强效药膏,针对更广泛的病例使用口服类固醇。
Lichen planus is a skin condition marked by purplish, flat-topped bumps and patches that can cause intense itching. These skin lesions can be distressing, especially when they affect the mouth or genitals severely. In severe cases, oral lichen planus may even increase the risk of developing a type of skin cancer. It can also affect the scalp and nails. While the cause of most cases is unknown, some may be triggered by certain medications or hepatitis C infection. Treatment typically involves strong creams for localized cases and oral steroids for more widespread ones.
 Oral lichen planus 32753462 
Lichen planus 是免疫系统引起炎症的一种情况,导致皮肤和粘膜上出现明显的痕迹。它影响大约 5% 的成年人,其中女性更常见,通常在中年左右开始。高达 77% 的病例可见口腔受累,主要影响内颊。虽然有些人可能没有任何症状,但其他人可能会感到疼痛,并对某些食物(例如酸性、辛辣)或牙膏有困难。
Lichen planus is an immune-mediated inflammatory condition leading to characteristic lesions on skin and mucous membranes. It presents in up to 5% of the general adult population with a female predilection (2:1); the onset is most commonly in middle age. Up to 77% of patients with lichen planus have oral disease, with buccal mucosa the most common subsite. The oral lesions may be asymptomatic, although a subset of patients have pain and difficulty tolerating certain foods (e.g., acidic, spicy) and toothpaste.