Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC) (also known as neurodermatitis) is a skin disorder characterized by chronic itching and scratching. The constant scratching causes thick, leathery, darkened, (lichenified) skin. This condition is associated with many factors, including the scratch-itch cycle, psychological stressors, and atopy. LSC is more common between ages 35 and 50 and is seen approximately twice as often in women compared to men.
Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC) 是一种皮肤状况,其中某些区域变得厚重且发痒,通常在顶部有划痕。这些区域可以改变颜色,从粉红色到深棕色。有时,随着时间的推移,它们的中间可能会变浅,边缘会变暗。与另一种名为 prurigo nodularis (PN) 的瘙痒症状(表现为遍布身体各个部位的肿块)不同,LSC 往往局限于特定部位或少数区域。尽管LSC有时被称为神经性皮炎,其中包括其他长期持续的瘙痒症状。 LSC is a localized skin disorder clinically characterized by lichenified plaques of skin often accompanied by overlying excoriations. These plaques can become discoloured, with varying shades of erythema ranging from pink to dark brown. Over a longer course, it may transform into a hypopigmented plaque with a darker border. They are localized to specific areas of the body as one or a few plaques. This is in contrast to prurigo nodularis (PN), another chronic pruritic condition, which is frequently more broadly distributed across multiple regions of the body as nodules. While LSC may sometimes be referred to as a neurodermatitis, which encompasses other chronic itchy conditions.
Lichen simplex chronicus 是一种慢性神经性皮炎,皮肤变得干燥、斑块和增厚。发生这种情况的原因是经常刮擦或摩擦某一区域的皮肤,导致皮肤外层增厚。 Lichen simplex chronicus is defined as a common form of chronic neurodermatitis that presents as dry, patchy areas of skin that are scaly and thick. The hypertrophic epidermis generally seen is typically the result of habitual scratching or rubbing of a specific area of the skin.
这种慢性过敏性疾病是逐渐发展的。对于受影响的人来说,抓挠已成为一种习惯。患有 慢性单纯性苔藓 (lichen simplex chronicus) 的人会出现瘙痒,随后会无法控制地过度抓挠同一身体区域。
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