Lichen striatus is a rare skin condition that is seen primarily in children, most frequently appearing ages 5–15. It consists of a self-limiting eruption of small, scaly papules.
Lichen striatus (LS) 很少见,主要影响儿童。它看起来像粉红色的皮疹,带有凸起的斑点,这些斑点沿着 Blaschko 线合并形成一条或多条暗红色的、可能是鳞状的线。 Lichen striatus (LS) is uncommon and occurs most frequently in children. It presents as a pink rash with raised spotting that comes together to form singular or multiple, dull-red, potentially-scaly linear bands that affect the Blaschko lines.
○ 治疗 - 非处方药
一些 线状苔藓 (lichen striatus) 患者无需治疗即可在一年内康复。如果持续超过几个月,请咨询医生。
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