Lupus erythematosus - 红斑狼疮
红斑狼疮 (Lupus erythematosus) 是一种自身免疫性疾病,患者的免疫系统错误地攻击身体许多部位的健康组织。常见症状包括关节疼痛和肿胀、发烧、胸痛、脱发、口腔溃疡、淋巴结肿大、感觉疲倦以及最常见于面部的红疹。育龄女性受影响的几率是男性的九倍左右。虽然它最常见于 15 岁至 45 岁之间开始。

红斑狼疮 (lupus erythematosus) 的病因尚不清楚。在同卵双胞胎中,如果其中一方受到影响,另一方也有 24% 的机会受到影响。女性性激素、阳光、吸烟、维生素 D 缺乏和某些感染也被认为会增加患病风险。


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  • 与这张照片不同的是,这种疾病发生在面部比发生在躯干上更具特征。
  • 它看起来像一个略带紫色的红斑。
  • 通常出现在脸上的蝴蝶疹。
  • 它通常出现在暴露在阳光下的地方,看起来像疤痕。
  • Discoid lupus erythematosus
  • Facial erysipelas
References Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Progress and Challenges 32248318 
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) 的识别和分类提出了诊断挑战,将其与皮肤受累的 systemic lupus erythematosus 区分开来。最近的研究揭示了 CLE 的遗传、环境和免疫因素。药物诱导已成为 CLE 最重要的触发因素之一。治疗包括局部和全身治疗,包括有前途的生物制剂,如 belimumab, rituximab, ustekinumab, anifrolumab, and BIIB059 ,并在临床试验中证明了疗效。
Diagnostic challenges exist in better defining cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) as an independent disease distinct from systemic lupus erythematosus with cutaneous features and further classifying CLE based on clinical, histological, and laboratory features. Recent mechanistic studies revealed more genetic variations, environmental triggers, and immunologic dysfunctions that are associated with CLE. Drug induction specifically has emerged as one of the most important triggers for CLE. Treatment options include topical agents and systemic therapies, including newer biologics such as belimumab, rituximab, ustekinumab, anifrolumab, and BIIB059 that have shown good clinical efficacy in trials.
 Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Diagnosis and treatment 24238695 
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) 涵盖各种皮肤问题,其中一些可能与更广泛的健康问题有关。它分为不同的类型,例如 acute CLE (ACLE) , sub-acute CLE (SCLE) , and chronic CLE (CCLE) 。 CCLE 包括 discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) , LE profundus (LEP) , chilblain cutaneous lupus, and lupus tumidus 。
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) encompasses a wide range of dermatologic manifestations, which may or may not be associated with the development of systemic disease. Cutaneous lupus is divided into several sub-types, including acute CLE (ACLE), sub-acute CLE (SCLE) and chronic CLE (CCLE). CCLE includes discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), LE profundus (LEP), chilblain cutaneous lupus and lupus tumidus.
 Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: An Update on Pathogenesis and Future Therapeutic Directions 37140884 
Lupus erythematosus 是一组可影响身体不同部位的自身免疫性疾病。有些类型,如 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) ,影响多个器官,而其他类型,如 cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) ,主要影响皮肤。我们根据临床症状、组织检查和血液检查对不同类型的 CLE 进行分类,但个体之间存在很大差异。皮肤问题通常是由于暴露在阳光下、吸烟或某些药物等因素造成的。
Lupus erythematosus comprises a spectrum of autoimmune diseases that may affect various organs (systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]) or the skin only (cutaneous lupus erythematosus [CLE]). Typical combinations of clinical, histological and serological findings define clinical subtypes of CLE, yet there is high interindividual variation. Skin lesions arise in the course of triggers such as ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, smoking or drugs