Milia - 米利亚
米利亚 (Milia) 是小汗腺的堵塞。它是一种充满角蛋白的囊肿,可能出现在表皮下。米利亚也可能与白头粉刺混淆。在儿童中,粟粒症通常会在两到四个星期内消失。对于成年人,医生可以出于美容目的将其去除。


☆ 德国 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的结果显示,消费者对 ModelDerm 的满意度仅略低于付费远程医疗咨询。
  • 如果经常揉眼睛,则更有可能出现粟粒症。
    References Milia 32809316 
    Milia 是良性的暂时性囊肿,充满角蛋白,看起来像小而坚硬的白色肿块。它们通常成群出现在脸上,但也可能出现在身体其他部位,如上胸部、手臂和生殖器区域。主要有两种类型。原发性粟丘疹通常在出生时出现,自发出现在鼻子、头皮、眼睑和脸颊等部位。它们也可能由于某些罕见的遗传性皮肤状况而发生。继发性粟丘疹与潜在的皮肤问题、药物使用或皮肤创伤一起发展。
    Milia (singular: milium) are benign and transient subepidermal keratin cysts that present as small firm white papules in various numbers most commonly distributed on the face, but they can also be present on other anatomical areas such as the upper trunk, extremities, and genital area (prepuce). The classification of milia includes primary and secondary. The vast majority of primary milia accounts for congenital milia that occur spontaneously and are present at birth, mainly over the nose, scalp, eyelids, cheeks, gum border (Bohn nodules), and palate (Epstein pearls). Still, there is another percentage of primary milia that may occur in association with certain rare genodermatoses (inherited genetic skin disorders) in children and adults. Meanwhile, secondary milia manifest in association with underlying skin pathology, medications, or skin trauma.