Pityriasis amiantacea - 石棉状糠疹https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pityriasis_amiantacea
石棉状糠疹 (Pityriasis amiantacea) 是一种头皮湿疹病症,其中有厚厚的顽固鳞屑浸润。在大多数情况下,它不会导致疤痕或脱发。

石棉状糠疹 (pityriasis amiantacea) 影响头皮,表现为闪亮的厚鳞片。鳞片包围并束缚一簇毛发。这种情况可以是局部的,也可以覆盖整个头皮。由于反复去除鳞屑上附着的毛发,可能会出现暂时性脱发和疤痕性脱发。这是一种罕见的疾病。

治疗 - 非处方药
#40% urea cream

#Ciclopirox shampoo
#Ketoconazole shampoo
#Fluocinolone shampoo
#Pyrithione zinc shampoo
#Selenium sulfide shampoo

#Hydrocortisone cream
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      References Pityriasis amiantacea - Case reports 25506575 
      一名 14 岁男孩进来,头皮上有厚厚的黄棕色鳞片,主要分布在前额和顶部。患处呈红色,有鳞屑,有毛发脱落,但无疤痕。真菌检测呈阴性。
      A 14-year-old male patient presented with focal masses of thick, adherent, plate like, yellow-brown scales, attached to the hair shafts, predominantly affecting the fronto-parietal area and vertex of the scalp. The underlying scalp had thick, erythematous plaques with fine, non greasy, silvery-white scaling with noncicatricial alopecia. Potassium hydroxide examination of scales and hair and culture for fungus was negative.
       Pityriasis amiantacea: a study of seven cases 27828657 
      Pityriasis amiantacea 可能来自任何主要影响头皮的皮肤病,例如 seborrheic dermatitis 。但我们并不完全确定它是如何开始的。我们的目标是研究 pityriasis amiantacea 患者的模式,以了解治疗如何更好地发挥作用。我们检查了 63 名患有 seborrheic dermatitis 的孩子,发现了 7 例 pityriasis amiantacea 病例,其中大多数是女孩。我们平均跟踪他们约 20. 4 个月,发现他们的年龄约为 5. 9 岁。其中,女孩5人,平均年龄9岁。所有患者均成功接受局部酮康唑治疗。
      The disease may be secondary to any skin condition that primarily affects the scalp, including seborrheic dermatitis. Its pathogenesis remains uncertain. We aim to analyze the epidemiological and clinical profiles of patients with pityriasis amiantacea to better understand treatment responses. We identified seven cases of pityriasis amiantacea and a female predominance in a sample of 63 pediatric patients with seborrheic dermatitis followed for an average of 20.4 months. We reported a mean age of 5.9 years. Five patients were female, with a mean age of 9 years. All patients were successfully treated with topic ketoconazole.