Sebaceous hyperplasia - 皮脂腺增生
皮脂腺增生 (Sebaceous hyperplasia) 是一种皮脂腺疾病,皮脂腺增大,在脸上产生肉色或淡黄色、有光泽、通常呈脐状的肿块。皮脂腺增生通常影响中老年人。症状为皮肤上出现1~5毫米的丘疹,主要出现在额头、鼻子和脸颊以及脂溢性面部皮肤上。

#Pinhole technique (Erbium or CO2 laser)
☆ 德国 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的结果显示,消费者对 ModelDerm 的满意度仅略低于付费远程医疗咨询。
  • 表现为肉色丘疹,但与基底细胞癌不同,触感柔软。
  • 前额多处皮脂腺增生。 ——典型案例。
  • 仅根据外观很难与基底细胞癌区分开,但通过触摸病变部位可以准确区分。
References Sebaceous Hyperplasia 32965819 
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia 是一种良性且经常发生的疾病,涉及皮脂腺过度生长。它通常影响中年或老年人,主要是男性,估计约 1% 的健康个体会发生这种情况。
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia (SGH) is a benign and common condition of sebaceous glands. SGH affects adults of middle age or older, mainly males. It reportedly occurs in approximately 1% of the healthy population.
 Treatment with the Pinhole Technique Using Erbium-Doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet Laser for a Café au Lait Macule and Carbon Dioxide Laser for Facial Telangiectasia 25324670 
[Pinhole Technique] - 一名 15 岁男孩的脸颊上表情平静。我们每 4 周使用 erbium : YAG 激光 (continuous wave mode with a spot size of 1 mm) 进行 6 次针孔治疗。皮损明显改善,轻度红斑,随访12个月未复发。一名 55 岁女性,右脸颊毛细血管扩张已有 10 年史。使用CO2激光通过针孔法治疗毛细血管扩张。多个直径为 1 毫米的小孔深入真皮乳头层。这些孔在整个毛细血管扩张区域中间隔约 3 毫米。 1次治疗后,毛细血管扩张明显改善。 3个月随访未见复发。
[Pinhole Technique] A 15-year-old boy presented with a CALM on his cheek. We performed 6 sessions of pinhole treatment every 4 weeks using erbium : YAG laser set to a continuous wave mode with a spot size of 1 mm. The lesion showed marked improvement with mild erythema, and there was no recurrence at the 12-month follow-up. A 55-year-old female presented with a 10-year history of telangiectasia on the right cheek. The telangiectasia was treated using the pinhole method using a CO2 laser. Multiple small holes, measuring 1 mm in diameter, were made down to the papillary dermis. These holes were made approximately 3 mm apart all over the telangiectasia area. The telangiectasia showed significant improvement after 1 treatment session. No recurrence was noted at the 3-month follow-up.