Seborrheic keratosis - 脂溢性角化病
☆ 德国 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的结果显示,消费者对 ModelDerm 的满意度仅略低于付费远程医疗咨询。 这是一种良性肿瘤,常见于亚洲人。当怀疑疣或鳞状细胞癌时,有时会进行活检。
典型脂溢性角化病 (Seborrheic keratosis)
relevance score : -100.0%
References Seborrheic Keratosis 31424869 NIH
Seborrheic keratoses 是经常出现在成年人和老年人身上的皮肤增生。它们是无害的,通常不需要治疗。激光疗法是治疗 seborrheic keratoses 的非手术选择。使用两种类型的激光疗法: ablative (e. G. , YAG and CO2 lasers) and non-ablative (e. G. , 755 nm alexandrite laser) 。
Seborrheic keratoses are epidermal skin tumors that commonly present in adult and elderly patients. They are benign skin lesions and often do not require treatment. Laser therapy is non-surgical option for patients in the treatment of seborrheic keratosis. Ablative laser therapy includes (YAG and CO2 lasers), and non-ablative lasers (755 nm alexandrite laser) have been utilized for this purpose.
Benign Eyelid Lesions 35881760 NIH
最常见的良性炎症病变是 chalazion 和 pyogenic granuloma 。感染可导致各种疾病( verruca vulgaris, molluscum contagiosum, and hordeolum )。良性肿瘤病变可能包括 squamous cell papilloma, epidermal inclusion cyst, dermoid/epidermoid cyst, acquired melanocytic nevus, seborrheic keratosis, hidrocystoma, cyst of Zeiss, and xanthelasma 。
The most common benign inflammatory lesions include chalazion and pyogenic granuloma. Infectious lesions include verruca vulgaris, molluscum contagiosum, and hordeolum. Benign neoplastic lesions include squamous cell papilloma, epidermal inclusion cyst, dermoid/epidermoid cyst, acquired melanocytic nevus, seborrheic keratosis, hidrocystoma, cyst of Zeiss, and xanthelasma.
脂溢性角化病的病变呈现各种颜色,从浅棕褐色到黑色。它们呈圆形或椭圆形,感觉平坦或略微隆起,就像愈合伤口的痂一样,尺寸范围从非常小到超过 2.5 厘米(1 英寸)宽。
○ 诊断
○ 流行病学
脂溢性角化病是最常见的良性皮肤肿瘤。在大队列研究中,100% 50 岁以上的患者至少患有一种脂溢性角化病。通常在中年发病,但在年轻患者中也很常见,例如 12% 的 15 岁至 25 岁患者中出现这种情况。
○ 治疗
#QS532 laser
#Er:YAG laser
#CO2 laser