Skin tag - 皮肤标签
皮肤标签 (Skin tag) 是一种小型良性肿瘤,主要形成于皮肤有折痕的区域,例如颈部、腋窝和腹股沟。皮赘也可能出现在脸上,通常出现在眼睑上。它们通常有米粒大小。表面光滑柔软。

据报道,普通人群的患病率为 46%。它们在女性中也比男性更常见。如果需要去除,可以由经过培训的专业人员使用烧灼、冷冻手术、切除或激光来实现。


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  • 典型皮肤标签 (Skin tag) ― 这是良性的。
  • 颈部 ― Acrochordons。如果长在脖子上,多半是皮肤标签 (Skin tag),而不是扁平疣。
  • 它通常发生在腋窝。皮损通常少于5个,但少数人也可能出现大量皮损。
References Skin Tags 31613504 
Skin tags 是常见的皮肤增生,表现为皮肤柔软、凸起的肿块,通常是良性肿瘤。研究表明,近 50% 至 60% 的成年人一生中至少会长一个皮赘,40 岁后这种可能性会增加。值得注意的是,皮赘在肥胖、糖尿病、代谢综合征患者中更为常见。 。男性和女性都同样受到影响。
Skin tags, also known as 'acrochordons,' are commonly seen cutaneous growths noticeable as soft excrescences of heaped up skin and are usually benign by nature. Estimates are that almost 50 to 60% of adults will develop at least one skin tag in their lifetime, with the probability of their occurrence increasing after the fourth decade of life. However, at the very outset, it should be noted that acrochordons occur more commonly in individuals suffering from obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome (MeTS), and in people with a family history of skin tags. Skin tags affect men and women equally.