Striae distensae - ​膨胀纹
​膨胀纹 (Striae distensae) 是皮肤上一种颜色不正的疤痕。随着时间的推移,它们可能会减少,但不会完全消失。皮纹是由身体快速生长期间(例如青春期或怀孕期间)真皮撕裂引起的,皮纹通常在妊娠最后三个月形成。这些皮纹通常出现在腹部,也常见于胸部、大腿、臀部、下背部和臀部。皮纹也可能受到与青春期、怀孕或激素替代疗法相关的激素变化的影响。没有证据表明怀孕期间使用的乳霜可以预防妊娠纹。


☆ 德国 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的结果显示,消费者对 ModelDerm 的满意度仅略低于付费远程医疗咨询。
  • 最常见的位置是腹部周围。
  • Striae distensae (stretch marks)
  • Striae distensae (stretch marks)
  • 与严重肥胖有关。
References Striae Distensae Treatment Review and Update 31334056 
妊娠纹是一种常见的皮肤病,多见于 5 至 50 岁的女性。它们会引起美容问题和情绪困扰,尤其是对于女性和某些注重外表的职业。治疗方法通常包括维甲酸和乙醇酸等乳膏,以及激光疗法 (carbon dioxide, Er:YAG) 。
Striae distansae (SD) or stretch marks are very common, asymptomatic, skin condition frequently seen among females between 5 to 50 years of ages. It often causes cosmetic morbidity and psychological distress, particularly in women and in certain professions where physical appearances have significant importance. Commonly cited treatments include topical treatments like tretinoin, glycolic acid, ascorbic acid and various lasers including (like) carbon dioxide, Er:YAG, diode, Q-switched Nd:YAG, pulse dye and excimer laser. Other devices like radiofrequency, phototherapy and therapies like platelet rich plasma, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, needling, carboxytherapy and galvanopuncture have also been used with variable success.
 New Progress in Therapeutic Modalities of Striae Distensae 36213315 
Topical treatment modalities are mainly used as an adjunctive treatment. Ablative lasers and non-ablative lasers are the most popular, among which picosecond has been tried in striae distensae treatment in the last two years. Combined treatment modalities are currently a hot spot for SD treatment, and microneedle radiofrequency and fractional CO2 laser combined with other treatments are the most common. Microneedle radiofrequency is the most commonly used and achieved therapeutic effect among the combined treatment modalities.