Venous lake - 静脉湖
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relevance score : -100.0%
Senile Hemangioma of the Lips - Case reports 25484424 NIH
Venous lake 是嘴唇的老年性血管瘤。它通常是由加宽的小静脉引起的柔软的蓝色肿块。它通常单独出现,摸起来并不坚硬。它通常发生在脸部和耳朵受到大量阳光照射的部位。一名 46 岁男子前来就诊,下唇有一个蓝色肿块,已经生长了 8 个月。它开始时很小,随着时间的推移变得越来越大。他说他没有伤害该地区。他没有出现过无缘无故的流血,也没有受过轻伤之后的流血。当医生检查他时,他们发现他的下唇上有一个蓝色的肿块,柔软且易于挤压。医生用液氮冷冻疗法对他进行治疗,每次冷冻病灶10秒,周围有一小块边缘。他们每两周进行一次这种治疗。 12周后,情况有了一些改善。
A venous lake, sometimes referred to as senile hemangioma of the lips is usually a solitary, non-indurated, soft, compressible, blue papule occurring due to dilatation of venules. It is commonly found on sun-exposed surfaces of the face and ears. A 46 year old male patient presented with an 8 month history of a single, painless, bluish swelling over the lower lip which began as a pea sized lesion and gradually increased to the present size. Patient strongly denied any history of trauma at the site. No history of bleeding spontaneously or following minimal trauma could be elicited. On physical examination, a single, violaceous, soft, compressible, non-indurated, non-pulsatile papule was present on the lower lip. Patient was treated with cryotherapy with application of liquid nitrogen by dipstick method with one 10-second freeze-thaw cycle with a 1-mm margin. This was done at biweekly intervals. Some improvement was obtained following 12 weeks of therapy.
○ 治疗