Acanthosis nigricans - 黑棘皮病
黑棘皮病 (Acanthosis nigricans) 是一種醫學症狀,其特徵是皮膚呈棕黑色、邊界不清、天鵝絨狀色素沉著過度。多見於身體皺摺處,如頸後側皺褶、腋下、腹股溝、肚臍、額頭等部位。它與內分泌功能障礙有關,尤其是胰島素抗性和高胰島素血症,如糖尿病所見。

它通常發生在 40 歲以下的個體中,可能是遺傳性的,並且與肥胖或內分泌疾病有關,例如甲狀腺功能減退症、肢端肥大症、多囊性卵巢病、胰島素抗性糖尿病或庫欣氏症。

治療 - 非處方藥
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  • 這在肥胖者中很常見。
  • 雙腋下有黑色素沉澱和皺紋顯示黑棘皮病 (Acanthosis nigricans)。
References Acanthosis Nigricans 28613711 
Acanthosis nigricans 是潛在病症的皮膚表現。它經常出現在頸部、腋窩和腹股溝等皮膚皺褶處,看起來像天鵝絨般的黑色斑塊,邊緣不清晰。這種情況通常與糖尿病和胰島素阻抗有關,但在極少數情況下,它可能表明體內存在癌症。它也可能由於荷爾蒙問題或服用類固醇和避孕藥等特定藥物而出現。
Acanthosis nigricans is a cutaneous manifestation of an underlying condition. It usually develops in skin folds, such as the back of the neck, axilla, and groin, where it presents as velvety hyper-pigmented patches with poorly defined borders. Acanthosis nigricans is most commonly associated with diabetes and insulin resistance, but rarely it can be a sign of internal malignancy. It can also occur with hormone disorders or with the use of certain medications like systemic glucocorticoids and oral contraceptives.
 Current treatment options for acanthosis nigricans 30122971 
Acanthosis nigricans (AN) 是一種常見的皮膚病,與胰島素抗性、糖尿病、肥胖、某些癌症、荷爾蒙問題和藥物反應等各種健康問題有關。治療 AN 的重點是解決潛在的健康問題。首先,醫生會檢查是否有胰島素抗性症候群的跡象,包括肥胖、高膽固醇、高血壓和第 2 型糖尿病。醫生經常將 topical retinoids 作為第一個治療選擇,這有助於皮膚增厚。然而,它們可能無法完全解決皮膚變黑的問題。其他治療方案如 salicylic acid, podophyllin, urea, and calcipotriol 也需要經常使用。
Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a common dermatologic manifestation of systemic disease that is associated with insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, obesity, internal malignancy, endocrine disorders, and drug reactions. Treatment of AN primarily focuses on resolution of the underlying disease processes causing the velvety, hyperpigmented, hyperkeratotic plaques found on the skin. Initial considerations for the AN workup include evaluating patients for insulin resistance syndrome characterized by obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus type II. For cosmetic treatment, topical retinoids are considered the first-line therapy for insulin-resistant AN by modifying keratinization rate. However, topical tretinoin requires application for long durations and improves hyperkeratosis, but not hyperpigmentation. Topical salicylic acid, podophyllin, urea, and calcipotriol also require frequent application, while TCA peels may provide a faster and less time-intense burden.