Acne scar - 痤瘡疤痕
痤瘡疤痕 (Acne scar) 是由異常癒合和真皮發炎造成的疤痕。據估計,95%的痤瘡患者都會受到痤瘡疤痕的影響。

萎縮性痤瘡疤痕來自膠原蛋白的流失,是最常見的痤瘡疤痕類型(約佔所有痤瘡疤痕的 75%)。


每月間隔 5-10 次病灶內類固醇注射可改善肥厚性疤痕。然而,凹陷疤痕需要更長的治療時間。

#Hypertrophic scar - Triamcinolone intralesional injection
#Ice pick scar - TCA peeling (CROSS technique)
#Rolling scar - Laser resurfacing by Erbium laser or fractional laser
☆ 德國 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的結果顯示,消費者對 ModelDerm 的滿意度僅略低於付費遠距醫療諮詢。
  • Acne vulgaris ― 18歲男性
  • 背上結節性痘痘。長期發炎會導致疤痕增厚。
  • 嚴重的結節性痤瘡。眉毛上的病灶充滿了膿液。建議排膿。
References Acne Scars: An Update on Management 36469561
Acne vulgaris 是一種常見的皮膚病,會影響患者的身體和情緒。一種常見的併發症是痤瘡疤痕的形成。當皮膚的癒合過程受到干擾時,就會出現這些疤痕。痤瘡疤痕主要有兩種類型:萎縮性疤痕 (ice pick, rolling, boxcar scars) 和肥厚性疤痕或疤痕疙瘩,後者較不常見。
Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition that can affect patients both physically and emotionally. One common complication is the development of acne scars. These scars occur when the skin's healing process is disrupted. There are two main types of acne scars: atrophic scars (ice pick, rolling, boxcar scars) and hypertrophic or keloid scars, which are less common.