Actinic keratosis - 光化性角化病
☆ 德國 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的結果顯示,消費者對 ModelDerm 的滿意度僅略低於付費遠距醫療諮詢。 硬鱗和毛細血管擴張提示光化性角化病 (Actinic keratosis)的診斷。
如果硬性紅斑病變位於暴露於陽光的區域,則應考慮光化性角化病 (Actinic keratosis)。
形狀類似疣的病變是 光化性角化病 (Actinic keratosis) 的特徵。疣的皮損通常較軟,而 光化性角化病 (Actinic keratosis) 的皮損大多稍硬。
relevance score : -100.0%
References Actinic Keratosis 32491333 NIH
Actinic keratoses 稱為老年性角化症或日光性角化症。它們與長期暴露在陽光下有關,並可能在暴露在陽光下的皮膚上表現為粗糙的紅色斑塊。儘早發現並開始治療非常重要,因為如果不及時治療,它們可能會變成皮膚癌。
Actinic keratoses, also known as senile keratoses or solar keratoses, are benign intra-epithelial neoplasms commonly evaluated by dermatologists. Often associated with chronic sun exposure, individuals with actinic keratosis may present with irregular, red, scaly papules or plaques on sun-exposed regions of the body. Timely detection and implementation of a treatment plan are crucial since actinic keratosis can potentially progress into invasive squamous cell carcinoma.
Actinic keratoses: review of clinical, dermoscopic, and therapeutic aspects 31789244 NIH
Actinic keratoses 是皮膚細胞的異常生長,有轉化為癌症的風險。它們通常在暴露在陽光下的皮膚上表現為平坦的斑點、凸起的腫塊或粗糙的斑塊,通常呈現淡紅色。 在初始階段,透過觸診可能比目視檢查更好地識別它們。
Actinic keratoses are dysplastic proliferations of keratinocytes with potential for malignant transformation. Clinically, actinic keratoses present as macules, papules, or hyperkeratotic plaques with an erythematous background that occur on photoexposed areas. At initial stages, they may be better identified by palpation rather than by visual inspection.
Cryosurgery for Common Skin Conditions 15168956像 actinic keratosis, solar lentigo, seborrheic keratosis, viral wart, molluscum contagiosum, and dermatofibroma 這樣的皮膚病可以透過冷凍療法(=冷凍)安全地治療。
Skin diseases like actinic keratosis, solar lentigo, seborrheic keratosis, viral wart, molluscum contagiosum, dermatofibroma can be safely treated with cryotherapy (=freezing).
光化性角化症的特徵是表現為厚厚的、鱗狀的或結痂的區域,通常感覺乾燥或粗糙。尺寸通常在 2 到 6 毫米之間,但直徑可以長到幾公分。值得注意的是,在清晰地看到病灶之前,經常會在觸摸時感覺到光化性角化病,其紋理有時與砂紙相比。
○ 診斷與治療
#Skin biopsy