Alopecia areata - 斑禿
斑禿 (Alopecia areata) 是一種全身毛髮脫落的局部疾病。通常,它會導致頭皮上出現一些禿斑,每個禿斑大約有硬幣大小。此病可能是由心理壓力引起的。


治療 - 非處方藥
#Hydrocortisone cream

#Triamcinolone intralesional injection
#DPCP immunotherapy
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  • 斑禿 (Alopecia areata) 出現在頭皮後面。在典型情況下,它會突然出現,表面完全光滑,尺寸為 2-3 公分。
  • 多發性圓形脫髮
References Alopecia areata 28300084 
Alopecia areata 是一種免疫系統攻擊毛囊的病症,導致暫時性脫髮而不留疤痕。它可以表現為一片片脫髮或影響整個頭皮或身體,約 2% 的人在生命的某個階段受到影響。罪魁禍首似乎是毛囊周圍自然保護的破壞。
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder characterized by transient, non-scarring hair loss and preservation of the hair follicle. Hair loss can take many forms ranging from loss in well-defined patches to diffuse or total hair loss, which can affect all hair-bearing sites. Patchy alopecia areata affecting the scalp is the most common type. Alopecia areata affects nearly 2% of the general population at some point during their lifetime. A breakdown of immune privilege of the hair follicle is thought to be an important driver of alopecia areata.
 Alopecia Areata: An Updated Review for 2023 37340563 
Alopecia areata 是一種免疫系統攻擊毛囊的病症,導致頭皮和身體其他多毛部位掉髮。它影響著全世界大約 2% 的人。雖然它可以發生在任何年齡,但兒童比成人更常見 (1. 92% vs. 1. 47%) 。女性,尤其是 50 歲以上的女性,往往比男性更容易經歷這種情況。 將皮質類固醇直接注射到受影響的區域比局部塗抹效果更好。
Alopecia areata is an immune-mediated condition leading to non-scarring alopecia of the scalp and other hair-bearing areas of the body. It affects up to 2% of the global population. It can affect all ages, but the prevalence appears higher in children compared to adults (1.92%, 1.47%). A greater incidence has been reported in females than males, especially in patients with late-onset disease, defined as age greater than 50 years. Intralesional injection of corticosteroids has been reported to lead to better responses compared to topical steroids.