Amyloidosis - 澱粉樣變性
澱粉樣變性 (Amyloidosis) 是一組異常蛋白質(稱為澱粉樣原纖維)在組織中積聚的疾病。劇烈搔癢的角化過度丘疹,可能合併形成灰色至棕色斑塊。此疾病常見的受累部位是脛骨前部和上背部。

#Electrophoresis of blood or urine
#Skin biopsy
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  • 澱粉樣變性 (Amyloidosis)經典五官
  • 在放大視圖中,觀察到形狀相似的硬丘疹。它們相對均勻且堅硬,與異位性皮膚炎等過敏性疾病不同。
  • amyloidosis cutis dyschromica 的皮膚特徵 ― (A) 小腿色素沉著過度和色素沉著不足的斑疹
  • Lichen amyloidosis常被誤診為異位性皮膚炎。典型病例表現為小硬丘疹和搔癢。
  • 澱粉樣變性 (Amyloidosis)的病灶可能類似異位性皮膚炎。
References Lichen amyloidosis - Case reports 24130236 
一位 26 歲的女性來到我們的診所,抱怨她的腿上長了 10 年的皮疹,發癢。儘管使用了類固醇霜和他扎羅汀霜,皮疹仍然沒有好轉。她沒有任何相關的家族史。當我們檢查她時,我們發現她腿前部有凸起的粗糙斑塊,這與一種名為 lichen amyloidosis 的疾病相符。
A 26-year-old woman presented to our clinic with an itchy rash on her legs that had persisted for 10 years. The rash had previously been treated with topical steroids and tazarotene cream, with no improvement. The patient’s family history was noncontributory. A physical examination showed discrete and coalescing hyperkeratotic tan-brown papules on the pretibial surfaces, consistent with lichen amyloidosis.
 Lichen Amyloidosis: Towards Pathogenesis-Driven Targeted Treatment 36763750 
Lichen Amyloidosis 是一種罕見的皮膚病,與不明原因的持續性搔癢有關。它通常表現為皮膚外表面上一簇簇凸起的變色斑塊。 Lichen Amyloidosis 通常出現在 50 至 60 歲的人群中,不幸的是,無法治癒。現在可用的治療方法通常效果不佳。
Lichen Amyloidosis (LA) is an uncommon, primary cutaneous amyloidosis associated with chronic, idiopathic pruritus. Clinical presentation of LA includes skin colored to hyperpigmented, papules coalescing into plaques with a rippled appearance on the extensors.1 LA most commonly presents in the fifth to sixth decade of life and has no curative treatments. Overall response to current therapies is poor.
 Clinical Characteristics of Lichen Amyloidosis Associated with Atopic Dermatitis: A Single Center, Retrospective Study 38086357 
Lichen amyloidosis 是一種持久的皮膚搔癢狀況。它以主要出現在背部、小腿、大腿和手臂上的成簇增厚腫塊而聞名。在顯微鏡下檢查時, Lichen amyloidosis 顯示皮膚表層有澱粉樣蛋白堆積,同時外皮層增厚和增大。雖然 Lichen amyloidosis 的確切原因尚未完全清楚,但先前的研究已將其與皮膚摩擦或摩擦、細胞死亡、病毒感染等因素聯繫起來。 Lichen amyloidosis 似乎與其他幾種皮膚狀況有關,例如 atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, and mycosis fungoides 。
Lichen amyloidosis (LA) is a chronic pruritic skin disorder characterized by multiple grouped hyperkeratotic papules, predominantly located on the back, shins, thighs, and arms. Histological analysis of LA shows amyloid deposition in the papillary dermis and hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of the epidermis. The exact pathogenesis of LA has not yet been elucidated; however, prior reports have implicated frictional epidermal damage, apoptosis, viral infection, and many other triggers. LA is reportedly associated with several skin disorders, including atopic dermatitis (AD), lichen planus, and mycosis fungoides.