Angiofibromas are small, reddish brown or even flesh-colored, smooth, shiny, 0.1 to 0.3 cm papules present over the sides of the nose and the medial portions of the cheeks. They contain fibrous tissue.
Cutaneous angiofibromas 可以出現在身體的各個部位。在臉上,它們通常被稱為纖維性丘疹或皮脂腺瘤;在陰莖上,它們被稱為 pearly penile papules ;在指甲下方,它們被稱為甲週血管纖維瘤或 Koenen 腫瘤。在口腔中,它們被稱為口腔纖維瘤。臉部血管纖維瘤是 tuberous sclerosis (TS) 的一個突出特徵,這是一種影響皮膚、腎臟、心臟、大腦和肺部的遺傳性疾病。它們通常在 TS 患者的兒童期或成年早期出現在臉部。具有三個或更多臉部血管纖維瘤或兩個或更多甲週血管纖維瘤被認為對診斷 TS 具有重要意義。此外,在某些情況下可能會出現多個臉部血管纖維瘤( multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1) 和 Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome )。 Pearly penile papules 沿著陰莖的冠狀緣和溝發現。它們是持續性、無痛的腫塊,更常見於未受割禮的男性。 Cutaneous angiofibromas can be located on different areas of the body including the face where they are commonly called fibrous papules or adenoma sebaceum on the penis where they are called pearly penile papules, underneath the nail where they are called periungual angiofibromas or Koenen tumors, and in the mouth where they are called oral fibromas. Facial angiofibromas are considered one of the most obvious clinical presentations of tuberous sclerosis (TS), an autosomal dominant hamartomatous disorder that affects the skin, kidneys, heart, brain, and lungs. With TS, angiofibromas typically arise on the face in childhood and early adulthood. Both facial angiofibromas (greater than or equal to 3 needed) and periungual angiofibroma (greater than or equal to 2 needed) are 2 of the major criteria for TS. Multiple facial angiofibromas are also found in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1) and Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome. Pearly penile papules are chronic, asymptomatic, papules found on the coronal margin and sulcus of the penis. They are more common in uncircumcised men.
Fibrous papule
2) 陰莖
Pearly penile papule
3) 手指甲或腳趾甲下面
Periungual angiofibroma