Basal cell carcinoma - 基底細胞癌
基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 是最常見的皮膚癌類型。它通常表現為皮膚上無痛的凸起硬區域。病灶可能會發亮,並且可能有小血管流過。它也可能表現為有潰瘍的凸起區域。基底細胞癌生長緩慢,會損害周圍的組織,但不太可能導致轉移或死亡。



基底細胞癌至少佔全球所有癌症的 32%。在除黑色素瘤以外的皮膚癌中,約 80% 是基底細胞癌。在美國,大約 35% 的白人男性和 25% 的白人女性在一生中的某個階段受到基底細胞癌的影響。

#Skin biopsy
#Mohs surgery
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  • 影響老年人鼻子皮膚的潰瘍性病變通常被診斷為基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma)。鼻子是這類皮膚癌的常見發生部位。
  • 基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 可能會出現不規則的邊界和潰瘍。
  • 基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 在亞洲人中經常被誤診為痣。 Pigmented basal cell carcinoma經常出現在鼻子上。
  • 如果觀察到邊界處有突出的硬結節,則應懷疑基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma)。
  • 基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma)具有不規則的不對稱形狀。這些病例經常被誤診為intradermal nevus。
  • 可能會被誤診為intradermal nevus。
  • 基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 可能會被誤認為疣。
  • 基底細胞癌也可以以潰瘍的形式出現。這種情況應與鱗狀細胞癌鑑別。
  • 在西方人中,基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma)表現為毛細血管擴張的硬結節。
  • 基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 的形狀與胎記相似,但病變是硬結節這一事實對於將其與痣區分開來很重要。
  • 雖然它可能類似於皮內痣(良性),但值得注意的是基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma)的病變很硬。
  • 在亞洲人中,基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 的典型病例表現為邊界突出的實心黑色結節
  • 基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 必須與黑色素瘤區分開來,因為 基底細胞癌 (Basal cell carcinoma) 的預後比黑色素瘤好得多。
  • 如果這些廣泛分佈的斑塊摸起來很硬,則強烈表明診斷為Superficial basal cell carcinoma。
  • 可能會被誤診為intradermal nevus。
References Basal cell carcinoma: pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, histopathology, and management 26029015 
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) 是最常見的皮膚癌類型。陽光照射是主要原因。幾乎所有 BCC 病例在分子分析中都顯示出過度活躍的 Hedgehog 訊號傳導。根據復發風險、組織保存的重要性、患者偏好和疾病程度,可以選擇不同的治療方法。
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common malignancy. Exposure to sunlight is the most important risk factor. Most, if not all, cases of BCC demonstrate overactive Hedgehog signaling. A variety of treatment modalities exist and are selected based on recurrence risk, importance of tissue preservation, patient preference, and extent of disease.
 Update in the Management of Basal Cell Carcinoma 32346750 
Basal cell carcinomas 是 50 歲及以上皮膚白皙的成年人中最常見的皮膚癌類型。它們的數量在世界範圍內不斷增加,主要是由於暴露在陽光下。某些遺傳條件會使人們在年輕時容易患上這些癌症。 Basal cell carcinomas 嚴重程度各不相同,從容易治療的淺表或結節性病變到需要專業醫療團隊討論的更廣泛的病變。預後取決於癌症復發的可能性或其損害附近組織的能力。手術是大多數病例的標準治療方法,可確保精確切除並降低復發機會。侵入性較小的方法可以有效治療表淺病變。
Basal cell carcinomas are the most frequent skin cancers in the fair-skinned adult population over 50 years of age. Their incidence is increasing throughout the world. Ultraviolet (UV) exposure is the major carcinogenic factor. Some genodermatosis can predispose to formation of basal cell carcinomas at an earlier age. Basal cell carcinomas are heterogeneous, from superficial or nodular lesions of good prognosis to very extensive difficult-to-treat lesions that must be discussed in multidisciplinary committees. The prognosis is linked to the risk of recurrence of basal cell carcinoma or its local destructive capacity. The standard treatment for most basal cell carcinomas is surgery, as it allows excision margin control and shows a low risk of recurrence. Superficial lesions can be treated by non-surgical methods with significant efficacy.
 European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline for diagnosis and treatment of basal cell carcinoma-update 2023 37604067
BCC 的主要治療方法是手術。對於高風險或復發性基底細胞癌,特別是在關鍵部位,建議進行顯微控製手術。低風險表淺性基底細胞癌患者可能會考慮局部治療或破壞性方法。光動力療法對於淺層和低風險結節性基底細胞癌效果很好。對於局部晚期或轉移性 BCC,建議使用 Hedgehog 抑制劑 (vismodegib or sonidegib) 。如果疾病進展或對 Hedgehog 抑制劑不耐受,可以考慮使用 anti-PD1 antibody (cemiplimab) 進行免疫治療。對於無法進行手術的患者,尤其是老年患者,放射治療是一個不錯的選擇。如果無法選擇手術或放射治療,可以考慮電化學療法。
The primary treatment for BCC is surgery. For high-risk or recurring BCC, especially in critical areas, micrographically controlled surgery is recommended. Patients with low-risk superficial BCC might consider topical treatments or destructive methods. Photodynamic therapy works well for superficial and low-risk nodular BCCs. For locally advanced or metastatic BCC, Hedgehog inhibitors (vismodegib, sonidegib) are recommended. If there's disease progression or intolerance to Hedgehog inhibitors, immunotherapy with anti-PD1 antibody (cemiplimab) can be considered. Radiotherapy is a good option for patients who can't have surgery, especially older patients. Electrochemotherapy could be considered if surgery or radiotherapy isn't an option.