A dilated pore, also known as a dilated pore of Winer, is a cutaneous condition characterized by a solitary, prominent, open comedo on the face or upper trunk of an individual.
Fractional 1064-nm picosecond 對亞洲人來說,雷射對於縮小毛孔似乎既有效又安全,且暫時副作用極小。 Fractional 1064‐nm picosecond laser appears to be effective and safe for reducing pore size in Asians with minimal transient side effects.
Dilated pore of Winer 是一種常見於臉部和頸部的良性腫瘤。它也可能出現在中年或老年人的軀幹上。這些增生通常看起來像一個單一的、無痛的、擴大的毛孔,裡面有角蛋白塞,周圍有健康的皮膚。由於其良性性質,它們通常不需要任何額外的檢查或治療。 A dilated pore of Winer, first described by Louis H. Winer in 1954, is a commonly occurring benign adnexal tumor of follicular differentiation. Although most commonly located on the head and neck, a dilated pore of Winer can also be found on the trunk of middle-aged and elderly individuals. These clinically present as an asymptomatic, solitary, enlarged pore with a keratin plug and normal surrounding skin. Prognosis is excellent for these lesions as they are benign and typically do not require any further testing or work-up.
○ 治療 - 非處方藥
#Adapalene gel [Differin]
#Tretinoin cream