Epidermal cyst - 表皮囊腫https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidermoid_cyst
☆ 德國 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的結果顯示,消費者對 ModelDerm 的滿意度僅略低於付費遠距醫療諮詢。 如果通常持續存在的小腫塊突然發炎,則可能懷疑為表皮囊腫。
典型inflammed epidermal cyst ― 中心有一個黑色開口
relevance score : -100.0%
References Minimally Invasive Excision of Epidermal Cysts through a Small Hole Made by a CO2 Laser 24511501 NIH
為了改善去除表皮囊腫後的外觀,我們建議採用侵入性較小的方法。我們引入了一種新方法,可以透過二氧化碳雷射打出的小孔完全消除囊腫。我們治療了25名直徑為 0. 5 to 1. 5 公分的囊腫患者,這些囊腫沒有發炎,可以自由活動。所有患者都對術後皮膚的外觀感到滿意。這種技術很簡單,幾乎不會留下疤痕,囊腫順利復發的可能性很小。
To improve the cosmetic results of removing epidermal cysts, minimally invasive methods have been proposed. We proposed a new minimally invasive method that completely removes a cyst through a small hole made by a CO2 laser. Twenty-five patients with epidermal cysts, which were 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter, non-inflamed, and freely movable, were treated. All of the patients were satisfied with the cosmetic results. This method is simple and results in minimal scarring and low recurrence rates without complications.
Epidermal Inclusion Cyst 30335343 NIH
Epidermal inclusion cysts 是最常見的皮膚囊腫類型,可以發生在身體的任何部位。它們通常表現為皮膚表面下的軟腫塊,通常具有可見的中心。這些囊腫會讓患者感到疼痛,感覺就像皮下充滿液體的軟腫塊。
Epidermal inclusion cysts are the most common cutaneous cysts and can occur anywhere on the body. These cysts typically present as fluctuant nodules under the surface of the skin, often with visible central puncta. These cysts often become painful to the patient and may present as a fluctuant filled nodule below the patient's skin.
Epidermoid Cyst 29763149 NIH
Epidermoid cysts 通常稱為皮脂囊腫。它們是充滿角蛋白的小結節,通常出現在臉部、頸部和軀幹的皮膚下。
Epidermoid cysts, also known as a sebaceous cysts, are encapsulated subepidermal nodules filled with keratin. Most commonly located on the face, neck, and trunk.
Overview of epidermoid cyst 31516916 NIH
在放射學中,它們表現為圓形到橢圓形結構,輪廓清晰,沒有血管; restricted diffusion is common 。
On radiology, they have round to oval structure, well-circumscribed, avascular mass; restricted diffusion is typical.
表皮囊腫 (epidermal cyst) 約佔所有切除囊腫的85-95%,惡性化極為罕見。囊腫可以透過切除術去除。
○ 治療
○ 治療 - 非處方藥
頻繁觸摸受影響的區域可能會導致發炎。大多數大於 1 公分的發炎病灶通常需要在醫院進行手術治療。如果小病變發炎,可以嘗試使用非處方抗生素。不要使用類固醇軟膏治療表皮囊腫。