Granuloma annulare is a fairly rare, chronic skin condition which presents as reddish bumps on the skin arranged in a circle or ring. It can initially occur at any age and is four times more common in females.
Granuloma annulare 是一種以結節簇為特徵的皮膚病。它不是由感染引起的,是最常見的非感染性肉芽腫性疾病。通常是良性的,通常會自行消退。您通常會在手臂和腿部看到紅色的環形斑塊或腫塊。有不同的類型 - localized the most common, generalized, perforating, patch, subcutaneous variants 。儘管它通常不是什麼大問題,但有時可能與愛滋病毒或癌症等更嚴重的問題有關。 Granuloma annulare is a cutaneous granulomatous disease that is not caused by an infection. It is the most common non-infectious granulomatous disease. The disease is benign and often self-limited. Granuloma annulare usually presents as erythematous plaques or papules arranged in an annular configuration on the upper extremities. In addition to the more common presentation, termed localized granuloma annulare, other clinical variants of granuloma annulare include generalized, perforating, patch, and subcutaneous. Despite being a benign disease, it can be associated with more serious conditions such as HIV or malignancy.
Granuloma annulare (GA) 是一種以發炎和肉芽腫為特徵的皮膚病。它可以局部或散佈的形式發生。傳播形式是較不常見的變體( patch, perforating, and subcutaneous subtypes )。 Granuloma annulare (GA) is an inflammatory granulomatous skin disease that can be localized (localized GA) or disseminated (generalized GA), with patch, perforating, and subcutaneous subtypes being less common variants of this benign condition.
因為 環形肉芽腫 (granuloma annulare) 通常是無症狀的,初始治療通常是局部類固醇。如果局部治療沒有改善,可以透過皮內注射類固醇進行治療。
○ 治療
間隔 1 個月進行 3 至 5 次病灶內類固醇注射可能會有所改善。
#Triamcinolone intralesional injection