Hypertrophic scar - 肥厚性瘢痕https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertrophic_scar
肥厚性瘢痕 (Hypertrophic scar) 是一種皮膚病,其特徵是過量的膠原蛋白沉積,導致凸起的疤痕。但是,其程度沒有疤痕疙瘩嚴重。與疤痕疙瘩一樣,它們最常形成於丘疹、身體穿孔、割傷和燒傷部位。傷口上的機械張力可能是 肥厚性瘢痕 (hypertrophic scar) 形成的主要原因。

肥厚性瘢痕 (hypertrophic scar) 呈紅色且較厚,可能會發癢或疼痛。肥厚性病灶不會超出原始傷口的邊界,但可能會持續增厚長達六個月。 肥厚性瘢痕 (hypertrophic scar) 通常會在一到兩年內改善,但可能會因其外觀或搔癢的強度而引起痛苦。如果它們靠近關節,它們也會限制運動。


間隔 1 個月進行 5 至 10 次病灶內類固醇注射可改善肥厚性疤痕。
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  • 肥厚性瘢痕 (Hypertrophic scar) ― 4 個月後
    References Hypertrophic Scarring 29261954 
    Hypertrophic scarring 是一種傷口癒合出現問題的類型。它經常與疤痕疙瘩混淆,但它們並不相同。在增生性疤痕中,額外的組織僅在原始傷口區域內形成。另一方面,疤痕疙瘩會擴散到傷口邊界之外。
    Hypertrophic scarring represents an undesirable variant in the wound healing process. Another variant of wound healing, the keloid scar, is often used interchangeably with hypertrophic scarring, but this is incorrect. The excess connective tissue deposited in hypertrophic scarring is restricted to the area within the original wound. The excess connective tissue deposited in the keloid, however, extends beyond the area of the original wound.
     Scar Revision 31194458 
    Scars are a natural and normal part of healing following an injury to the integumentary system. Ideally, scars should be flat, narrow, and color-matched. Several factors can contribute to poor wound healing. These include but are not limited to infection, poor blood flow, ischemia, and trauma. Proliferative, hyperpigmented, or contracted scars can cause serious problems with both function and emotional well-being.