Intraepithelial carcinoma (Bowen disease) - 上皮內癌(Bowen 病)
上皮內癌(Bowen 病) (Intraepithelial carcinoma (Bowen disease)) 顯示非典型鱗狀細胞在整個表皮厚度中增殖。整個腫瘤侷限於表皮,不侵犯真皮。從技術上講,這種疾病被歸類為癌性,但與常見癌症不同,它是非侵入性的。 (即這是一種預後良好的癌症。)



#Skin biopsy
#Mohs surgery
#Photodynamic therapy
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  • 典型病例 ― 上皮內癌(Bowen 病) (Intraepithelial carcinoma (Bowen disease)) 可能被誤診為持久、不癢的濕疹。
  • Cutaneous horn ― 與疣不同,它表現為硬結節,需要進行活檢以排除惡性腫瘤。
  • 若傷口長期存在,應考慮皮膚癌。
  • 上皮內癌(Bowen 病) (Intraepithelial carcinoma (Bowen disease)) ― 典型案例
  • 在這種情況下,Irritated seborrheic keratosis也可能被視為潛在的鑑別診斷。
  • 它經常被誤認為是過敏性疾病(例如,nummular eczema)。
  • 上皮內癌(Bowen 病) (Intraepithelial carcinoma (Bowen disease)) ― 典型案例
  • 另一個典型病例呈現出與過敏性疾病相似的形態特徵。
References Bowen's Disease 35287414 
Bowen's disease (BD) 是一種從皮膚外層(表皮)開始的皮膚癌。它在白種人中更常見,通常發生在暴露於陽光的區域,但也可能出現在其他地方。 BD 通常表現為單一病變。 BD 通常被視為出現更嚴重的皮膚癌之前的警訊。為了診斷雙相情感障礙,醫生通常依靠在顯微鏡下檢查組織樣本(活檢)。
Bowen's disease (BD) is an in-situ squamous cell carcinoma of epidermis. The etiology of BD is multifactorial with high incidence among Caucasians. BD is common in photo-exposed areas of skin, but other sites can also be involved. Lesions are usually solitary. The morphology of BD differs based on age of the lesion, site of origin, and the degree of keratinization. BD is considered as the lull before the storm, which precedes an overt squamous cell carcinoma. Histopathology is the gold standard diagnostic modality to confirm the diagnosis.
 Bowen disease - Case reports 17001052 
Bowen's disease 主要影響 60 歲以上的白人。 HPV 16、18、34 和 48 株與生殖器部位的鮑文氏症有關。 HPV 在非生殖器病例中的參與尚不清楚。
Bowen disease is most commonly found in white patients over 60 years old. Other risk factors include chronic sun exposure, immunosuppression, arsenic exposure and cutaneous human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV types 16, 18, 34 and 48 cause Bowen disease at genital sites; the role of HPV in nongenital cases of Bowen disease is less well defined. HPV types 2, 16, 34 and 35 have been rarely identified within nongenital lesions.