Livedo reticularis is a common skin finding consisting of a mottled reticulated vascular pattern that appears as a lace-like purplish discoloration of the skin.
Livedo reticularis (LR) 是一種皮膚狀況,其特徵是暫時或持久、斑駁、紅藍色到紫色的網狀圖案。它主要影響中年女性,通常無症狀。另一方面, livedo racemosa (LRC) 是一種更嚴重的形式,通常與抗磷脂抗體症候群有關。 Livedo reticularis (LR) is a cutaneous physical sign characterized by transient or persistent, blotchy, reddish-blue to purple, net-like cyanotic pattern. LR is a benign disorder affecting mainly middle-aged females, whereas livedo racemosa (LRC) is pathologic, commonly associated with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.