Nail dystrophy - 指甲營養不良
指甲營養不良 (Nail dystrophy) 是由於未知發炎引起的指甲疾病或畸形。大約一半的疑似指甲真菌病例實際上沒有真菌感染。只有一些指甲營養不良。



治療 - 非處方藥

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  • Median nail dystrophy ― 這不是由真菌感染引起的。
  • 指甲營養不良 (Nail dystrophy) 涉及多個手指。
References Trachyonychia and Twenty-Nail Dystrophy: A Comprehensive Review and Discussion of Diagnostic Accuracy 27843915 
粗甲,或 twenty-nail dystrophy ,是指指甲又薄又脆,有許多縱向的脊。有時, twenty-nail dystrophy 被錯誤地用來描述影響所有二十個指甲的其他情況。
The term trachyonychia, also known as twenty-nail dystrophy, is used to describe thin, brittle nails with excessive longitudinal ridging. The term twenty-nail dystrophy has been incorrectly applied to other conditions that can affect all twenty nails.
 Median nail dystrophy - Case reports 33318093 
一名 34 歲的男子因兩個拇指指甲上有 20 年無痛腫塊而去看醫生。他不記得自己的指甲受傷或感染。兩隻大拇指的中間,有一條筆直的凹槽,形狀像一棵杉樹,上面有紋路。
A 34-year-old man presented to his primary care physician with a 20-year history of painless bilateral thumbnail lesions. The patient had no history of nail trauma or infection. Both thumbs had a central linear depression in a fir tree pattern, surrounded by parallel transverse ridges.
 Nail cosmetics: What a dermatologist should know! 37317711
While most nail cosmetics are generally safe, they can still lead to issues such as allergic reactions, irritations, infections, and mechanical problems. It's worth noting that many of nail cosmetic procedures are carried out by beauticians who may lack proper knowledge of nail anatomy and function, rather than dermatologists. Additionally, the hygiene practices in nail salons and beauty parlors vary, which can result in acute problems like paronychia and nail dystrophy due to matrix injury.