Nummular dermatitis 是一種以發癢、硬幣狀斑塊為特徵的皮膚狀況。它可能與其他皮膚問題一起出現,例如異位性皮膚炎或乾性皮膚濕疹。值得慶幸的是,它通常對治療反應良好。使用含有皮質類固醇的乳膏通常可以緩解症狀,許多患者最終會好轉。 Nummular dermatitis 也可能稱為錢幣狀濕疹、盤狀濕疹或微生物性濕疹。 Nummular dermatitis is a pruritic eczematous dermatosis characterized by multiple coin-shaped lesions. It may occur as a feature of atopic dermatitis, asteatotic eczema, or stasis dermatitis. The prognosis of this condition is excellent. Most cases can be treated successfully with conservative measures and topical corticosteroids, and a majority of patients will eventually achieve remission. Nummular dermatitis may also be referred to as nummular eczema, discoid eczema, and microbial eczema.
一名 23 歲的女性因右腿發癢、滲血而前來就診,這種疼痛已經困擾她大約一個月了。這是從她抓傷該區域後開始的。她沒有提到任何過敏。醫生發現她的脛骨前部皮膚乾燥,有一個圓形的紅色斑塊,滲出黃色液體,上面有一些結痂。他們診斷為 nummular (coin-shaped) or discoid eczema 。她接受了皮質類固醇乳霜和抗生素藥丸的治療。 A 23-year-old female presented with a 1-month history of a pruritic weeping lesion on her right leg, which started after scratching over this pruritic area. She did not mention any specific allergy. Examination revealed dry skin with round erythematous plaque with yellowish oozing and crusting over the right anterior tibial region. A clinical diagnosis of nummular (coin shaped) or discoid eczema was made. Treatment with a topical corticosteroid and an oral antibiotic was initiated which improved her symptoms.
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#Hydrocortisone ointment
#Cetirizine [Zytec]
#LevoCetirizine [Xyzal]