Ota nevus - 太田氏母斑https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevus_of_Ota
☆ 德國 Stiftung Warentest 2022 年的結果顯示,消費者對 ModelDerm 的滿意度僅略低於付費遠距醫療諮詢。 它會影響結膜區域。
QS1064 雷射治療通常可以產生良好的效果。
relevance score : -100.0%
References Nevus of Ota and Ito 32809409 NIH
Ota Nevus 是一種良性皮膚變黑,主要發生在三叉神經區域周圍,主要影響該神經第一和第二分支所服務的眼睛區域。這種情況也稱為眼部真皮黑變病,由於黑色素細胞滯留而導致灰藍色變色。它通常出現在臉部的一側,可能涉及眼睛、臉部皮膚,有時還會涉及口腔頂部。患有這種疾病的人患眼部黑色素瘤和青光眼的機會較高。伊藤痣與此類似,但影響不同的神經區域。
Nevus of Ota is a benign melanosis that primarily involves the region of the trigeminal nerve distribution. The first and second divisions of the trigeminal nerve, namely the ophthalmic V1 and the maxillary V2 are most commonly involved. There is associated hyperpigmentation of the eye. Nevus of Ota is also known as ocular dermal melanosis. The characteristic gray-blue hyperpigmentation occurs due to entrapped melanocytes. Unilateral presentation is more common. The melanocytes are entrapped leading to gray-blue hyperpigmentation of the conjunctiva and sclera along with ipsilateral facial skin. There is an increased risk of uveal melanoma and glaucoma in these cases. Palatal involvement may also occur. Nevus of Ito is very similar to nevus of Ota except it differs in the territory of distribution. It was described by Minor Ota in 1954. It involves the distribution territory of lateral cutaneous brachial nerves of the shoulder and posterior supraclavicular nerves. Both of these diseases share similar pathophysiology.
Dermal Melanocytosis 32491340 NIH
Congenital dermal melanocytosis 又稱蒙古斑。這是新生兒常見的一種胎記。它從出生時或出生後不久就在皮膚上表現為灰藍色斑塊。這些標記通常出現在下背部和臀部,肩膀是下一個常見的位置。它們在亞洲和黑人嬰兒中更為常見,對男孩和女孩的影響相同。通常,它們會在 1 至 6 歲時自行消失,通常不需要任何治療,因為它們大多是無害的。
Congenital dermal melanocytosis, also known as Mongolian spot or slate gray nevus, is one of many frequently encountered newborn pigmented lesions. It is a type of dermal melanocytosis, which presents as gray-blue areas of discoloration from birth or shortly thereafter. Congenital dermal melanocytosis is most commonly located in the lumbar and sacral-gluteal region, followed by shoulders in frequency. They most commonly occur in Asian and Black patients, affect both genders equally, and commonly fade by age 1 to 6 years old. Congenital dermal melanocytoses are usually benign and do not require treatment.
據報道,使用 Q 開關 1064 nm 雷射可成功治療太田痣。
○ 治療
#QS-1064 laser