Pityriasis alba - 白糠疹https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pityriasis_alba
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References Pityriasis Alba 28613715 NIH
Pityriasis alba 是一種常見且無害的皮膚病,主要影響兒童和青少年。它通常被視為異位性皮膚炎的一小部分,並且與大多數人的過敏有關。 Pityriasis alba 在皮膚上表現為淺色斑塊,通常呈圓形或橢圓形,有時伴隨一點鱗屑和搔癢。這些斑塊通常出現在臉部,尤其是臉頰,以及手臂和上半身,並且在膚色較深的人中更為明顯。起初,斑塊可能有點紅色,但隨著時間的推移,顏色會逐漸變淺。陽光照射會使它們變得更加明顯,這可能會讓患者或家長擔心,但 pityriasis alba 通常會自行消失,恢復皮膚的正常顏色。儘管大多數案件會在一年內解決,但這種情況可能需要幾個月到幾年的時間才能發生。治療通常包括使用溫和的乳霜和乳液,並向患者或家長保證情況並不嚴重。
Pityriasis alba is a prevalent and benign dermatological condition predominantly affecting children and adolescents. The name pityriasis alba derives from its appearance, where pityriasis denotes the fine scales and alba signifies the pale color (hyperpigmentation). This skin disorder is often considered a minor manifestation of atopic dermatitis and is typically associated with a history of atopy in most individuals. Pityriasis alba is characterized by ill-defined macules and patches (or thin plaques), generally circular or oval, often with mild scaling and occasional pruritus (Macules or Patches Observed in Pityriasis Alba). The lesions are usually found on the face, especially the cheeks, arms, and upper trunk, and are more prominent in individuals with darker skin types. Initially, the lesions may exhibit mild erythema and gradually transition to a hypopigmented state over time. Sun exposure can accentuate the appearance of these lesions, which may often raise concerns regarding their cosmetic impact on patients or parents of children. However, pityriasis alba follows a spontaneous, self-resolving course, gradually restoring normal skin pigmentation. The resolution period for pityriasis alba varies from several months to a few years, although most cases typically resolve within 1 year. Treatment for this condition involves reassurance, low-potency topical corticosteroids, and mild emollients as the mainstay.
Pigmentation Disorders: Diagnosis and Management 29431372在初級保健中,經常發現色素沉澱問題。這些包括 post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, sun spots, freckles, and café au lait spots 。
In primary care, pigmentation problems are often found. These include post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, sun spots, freckles, café au lait spots.
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