Pityriasis rosea - 玫瑰糠疹https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pityriasis_rosea
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References Pityriasis Rosea 28846360 NIH
Pityriasis rosea 是一種暫時性皮膚病,表現為凸起的斑塊和鱗片。它通常以一個補丁開始,稱為 herald patch ,然後在接下來的幾週內出現更多補丁。然而,並非所有玫瑰糠疹患者都會出現這種初始斑塊。這些斑塊通常在樹幹和上肢上形成類似聖誕樹的獨特圖案。
Pityriasis rosea, also known as pityriasis circinata, roseola annulata, and herpes tonsurans maculosus is an acute self-limiting papulosquamous disorder. It is often characterized by an initial herald patch, followed by scaly oval patches within 2 weeks. However, the herald patch is not always present. The scaly oval patches typically distribute in a Christmas-tree pattern on the trunk and proximal extremities. This activity reviews the evaluation and treatment of pityriasis rosea and the importance of the interprofessional team in recognizing and managing patients with this condition.
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome, pityriasis rosea, asymmetrical periflexural exanthem, unilateral mediothoracic exanthem, eruptive pseudoangiomatosis, and papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome: a brief review and arguments for diagnostic criteria 24470919 NIH
Pityriasis Rosea: Diagnosis and Treatment. 29365241Pityriasis rosea 是一種常見的皮疹,通常從軀幹上的單一斑塊開始,然後擴散到覆蓋軀幹和四肢。診斷依賴臨床檢查。最初的補丁呈紅色,邊框凸起,中心凹陷。皮疹通常在大約兩週後出現。患者可能會出現疲倦、噁心、頭痛、關節疼痛、淋巴結腫大、發燒和喉嚨痛以及皮疹。類似的病症包括梅毒、脂漏性皮膚炎、濕疹等。治療旨在以皮質類固醇或抗組織胺緩解症狀。阿昔洛韋在某些情況下可能有幫助。嚴重的情況可能會受益於紫外線光療。懷孕期間的疾病有時與流產有關。
Pityriasis rosea is a common rash that usually begins with a single patch on the trunk and spreads to cover the trunk and limbs. Diagnosis relies on clinical examination. The initial patch appears red with a raised border and sunken center. The rash typically emerges about two weeks later. Patients may experience fatigue, nausea, headaches, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, fever, and sore throat alongside the rash. Similar conditions include syphilis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, and others. Treatment aims to alleviate symptoms with corticosteroids or antihistamines. Acyclovir may help in some cases. Severe instances may benefit from UV phototherapy. The disease during pregnancy sometimes has been linked to miscarriage.
Pityriasis rosea in pregnancy: A case series and literature review 35616213 NIH
In most cases, PR does not influence pregnancy or birth outcomes. Analysis of pooled data from our study and from previous studies revealed that the week of pregnancy at onset of PR was inversely associated with an unfavorable outcome (odds ratio [OR] = 0.937; 95 % CI 0.883 to 0.993). In addition, duration of PR (OR = 1.432; 95 % CI 1.129 to 1.827), additional extracutaneous symptoms (OR = 4.112; 95 % CI 1.580 to 10.23), and widespread rash distribution (OR 5.203, 95 % CI 1.702 to 14.89) were directly associated with unfavorable outcome.
Clinical variants of pityriasis rosea 28685133 NIH
Pityriasis rosea 是一種常見的皮膚病,通常影響青少年(10-35 歲),女性稍多。它突然開始,通常在樹幹上出現一個被稱為 herald patch 的斑塊,隨後出現由淺灰色環包圍的粉紅色橢圓形小斑點的皮疹。這些斑點通常在樹幹上形成類似 Christmas tree 的圖案。皮疹通常持續約 6 至 8 週。 Pityriasis rosea 影響約 0. 68% 去看皮膚科醫生的人,但這可能從 0. 39% 到 4. 8% 不等。
Pityriasis rosea (PR) is a relatively common, self-limited papulo-squamous dermatosis of unknown origin, which mainly appears in adolescents and young adults (10-35 years), slightly more common in females. It has a sudden onset, and in its typical presentation, the eruption is preceeded by a solitary patch termed “herald patch”, mainly located on the trunk. Few days later, a secondary eruption appears, with little pink, oval macules, with a grayish peripheral scaling collarette around them. The secondary lesions adopt a characteristic distribution along the cleavage lines of the trunk, with a configuration of a “Christmas tree”. In most cases, the eruption lasts for 6 to 8 wk. Its incidence has been estimated to be 0.68% of dermatologic patients, varying from 0.39% to 4.8%.
雖然病因尚不完全清楚,但據信與人類皰疹病毒 6 型或人類皰疹病毒 7 型有關。某些藥物可能會導致類似的皮疹。診斷基於症狀,通常不需要活檢。
作為一種常見疾病,約 1.3% 的人在某個時間點受到影響。它最常發生在 10 歲至 35 歲之間的人群中。
○ 診斷與治療
如果持續超過 1 個月,可能需要進行詳細檢查以將其與其他疾病(副牛皮癬、梅毒)區分開來。
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