Pyogenic granuloma - 化膿性肉芽腫
化膿性肉芽腫 (Pyogenic granuloma) 是一種常見的血管腫瘤,發生在黏膜和皮膚上,由於刺激、身體創傷或荷爾蒙因素而表現為組織過度生長。 化膿性肉芽腫 (pyogenic granuloma) 可見於任何年齡,且女性比男性更常見。在孕婦中,病變可能發生在懷孕的前三個月,直到第七個月發病率逐漸增加,並且經常出現在牙齦上。 化膿性肉芽腫 (pyogenic granuloma) 的外觀通常是從紅色/粉紅色到紫色的顏色,生長迅速,可以是光滑的或蘑菇狀的。


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  • 化膿性肉芽腫 (Pyogenic granuloma) 在手指上。病灶突然以紅色丘疹的形式出現。
  • 典型 化膿性肉芽腫 (Pyogenic granuloma)
  • 化膿性肉芽腫 (Pyogenic granuloma) ― 如果您受傷,您可能會出現大量出血。
  • 施加壓力以止血很重要。
  • 典型 化膿性肉芽腫 (Pyogenic granuloma)
References Pyogenic Granuloma 32310537 
Pyogenic granuloma 是一種常見的非癌性血管腫瘤,通常發生在皮膚或黏膜上。更準確地稱為小葉毛細血管瘤。這種結節性疾病通常看起來像一個單一的、紅色的、莖狀的腫塊,很容易損壞。有時,它可能看起來像沒有莖的平坦斑塊。它往往會快速向外生長,並可能在其表面形成潰瘍。化膿性肉芽腫常發生在皮膚或口腔內,最常見於口腔。
Pyogenic granuloma, sometimes known as granuloma pyogenicum, refers to a common, acquired, benign vascular tumor that arises in tissues such as the skin and mucous membranes. It is more accurately called a lobular capillary hemangioma. The lesion grossly appears as a solitary, red, pedunculated papule that is very friable. Less commonly, it may present as a sessile plaque. It shows rapid exophytic growth, with a surface that often undergoes ulceration. It is often seen on cutaneous or mucosal surfaces. Among the latter, it is most commonly seen within the oral cavity.
 Childhood Vascular Tumors 33194900 
Infantile Hemangioma, Congenital Hemangiomas, Pyogenic Granuloma, Tufted Angioma, Kaposiform Hemangioendothelioma, Dabska Tumor, Hemangioendothelioma, Pseudomyogenic Hemangioendothelioma, Angiosarcoma