Skin tags 是常見的皮膚增生,表現為皮膚柔軟、凸起的腫塊,通常是良性腫瘤。研究表明,近50% 至60% 的成年人一生中至少會長一個皮贅,40 歲後這種可能性會增加。常見。男性和女性都同樣受到影響。 Skin tags, also known as 'acrochordons,' are commonly seen cutaneous growths noticeable as soft excrescences of heaped up skin and are usually benign by nature. Estimates are that almost 50 to 60% of adults will develop at least one skin tag in their lifetime, with the probability of their occurrence increasing after the fourth decade of life. However, at the very outset, it should be noted that acrochordons occur more commonly in individuals suffering from obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome (MeTS), and in people with a family history of skin tags. Skin tags affect men and women equally.
據報道,一般人群的盛行率為 46%。它們在女性中也比男性更常見。如果需要移除,可以由經過訓練的專業人員使用燒灼、冷凍手術、切除或雷射來實現。
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