Soft fibroma - 軟性纖維瘤
軟性纖維瘤 (Soft fibroma) 是一種軟結節,多出現在頸部、腋窩或腹股溝。

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  • 下頸處有幾個軟性纖維瘤 (Soft fibroma)
    References A soft fibroma of the nipple - Case reports 36276909 
    雖然 soft fibroma 通常出現在頸部、腋窩和生殖器區域等皮膚皺褶處,但它們也可能形成在乳頭上,儘管這種情況很少見。醫生在評估乳頭異常時應牢記 soft fibroma 。
    Although soft fibromas occur in the intertriginous area, including on the neck, axillae, and vulvovaginal locations, in rare cases, they can develop in the nipple. Doctors should consider soft fibroma as one of the differential diagnoses for nipple lesions.