Steatocystoma multiplex - 多發性皮脂囊腫
多發性皮脂囊腫 (Steatocystoma multiplex) 是一種良性常染色體顯性先天性疾病,導致人體出現多個囊腫。囊腫大多很小(2-20 毫米),但直徑可能有幾公分。它們往往是柔軟到堅硬的半透明腫塊,並含有油狀黃色液體。


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  • 在手臂或頸部觀察時,它看起來像一個小而硬的皮下囊腫,通常無症狀。
    References Steatocystoma Multiplex 38283021 
    Steatocystoma multiplex (SM) ,也稱為脂肪囊腫病或表皮多囊性疾病,是一種罕見的良性皮膚病,其特徵是皮內多個不同大小的皮脂囊腫。臨床上,SM表現為大量、光滑、堅硬、可移動的囊性腫塊和腫塊,通常沒有任何症狀。這些病變通常呈圓形且大小均勻,寬度從幾毫米到幾厘米不等。它們的表面可能呈淡黃色,而較深的顏色通常與膚色相匹配。這些囊腫內的液體通常是無味和油性的,具有不同程度的透明度和顏色。與典型的囊腫不同,囊腫上方的皮膚中心通常沒有可見的開口。 SM 可以發生在身體的任何部位,但常見於油腺和毛囊豐富的區域,如軀幹、頸部、頭皮、腋窩、手臂、腿部和腹股溝區域。
    Steatocystoma multiplex (SM, also known as steatocystomatosis, sebocystomatosis, or epidermal polycystic disease) is a rare benign intradermal true sebaceous cyst of various sizes. Clinically, SM presents as asymptomatic, numerous, round, smooth, firm, mobile, cystic papules, and nodules. The lesions are uniform, with a size of a few millimeters to centimeters along the long axis. The superficial lesions are yellowish, and deeper lesions tend to be skin-colored. The fluid in SM is odorless, oily, clear or opaque, milky or yellow. The overlying epidermal skin is often normal, with no central punctum. SM can occur anywhere in the body but is more frequently seen in areas rich in pilosebaceous units such as the trunk (especially the presternal region), neck, scalp, axilla, proximal extremities, and inguinal region.
     Steatocystoma multiplex - Case reports 14594591
    一名 25 歲男子的手臂、胸部和腹部出現皮膚問題。 20 年來,他一直患有無痛性腫塊,從胸部開始,在過去 7 年裡擴散到手臂。
    A 25-year-old man came in with a skin condition on his arms, chest, and abdomen. He had been with painless lumps for 20 years, starting on his chest and spreading to his arms over the past 7 years.