Subungual hematoma - 甲下血腫
甲下血腫 (Subungual hematoma) 是腳趾甲或手指甲下方的血液聚集(血腫)。對於這種規模的傷害來說,它可能會非常痛苦,儘管它並不是一種嚴重的健康狀況。 甲下血腫 (subungual hematoma) 可以自行消退,無需治療。如果它們劇烈疼痛,則可能會被排幹。


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  • 甲下血腫 (Subungual hematoma) 一個腳趾
References Subungual Hematoma - Case reports 38111403 
作者討論了一名 64 歲男子因腳傷來到急診室的案例。他的腳趾甲下面有一塊很大的瘀傷。抽完血後,他感覺好多了,不再有疼痛了。
The authors present the case of a 64-year-old male who presented to the emergency department due to foot trauma. He sustained a large subungual hematoma, which was drained. Following the procedure, the patient achieved complete resolution of his pain.