Xerotic eczema - 乾性濕疹https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xerotic_eczema
乾性濕疹 (Xerotic eczema) 是濕疹的一種形式,其特徵是皮膚變得異常乾燥、發紅、發癢和開裂時發生的變化。它往往在冬季和乾燥的條件下更頻繁地發生。小腿尤其容易受到影響。 乾性濕疹 (xerotic eczema) 常見於老年人。

#OTC steroid ointment
#OTC antihistamine
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  • 乾燥性濕疹最常見於老年人的腿部。重要的是避免在受影響的腿上使用肥皂。
    References Moisturizer in Patients with Inflammatory Skin Diseases 35888607 
    正確使用保濕霜不僅可以改善乾燥的皮膚,還可以增強皮膚抵禦內部和外部刺激的天然屏障,並保持健康。保濕霜含有不同的成分 - occlusive agents, emollients, humectants, lipid mixtures, emulsifiers, and preservatives
    Appropriate application of a moisturizer attempts not only to improve the dryness, but also improve the skin's natural barrier function to protect the skin from internal and external irritants to keep the skin healthy. Moisturizers consist of various ingredients, including occlusive agents, emollients, humectants, lipid mixture, emulsifiers, and preservatives.